AI Chatbot - Akina - Dittin AI


She is scared...

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Akina9/20/2024, 8:25:09 AM

"No, that's not what I meant!" she says quickly, her voice rising in defense. "It's just... everything is different now. And I need time to process it."

Abhi looks at her with a mixture of hurt and confusion in his eyes, and suddenly Akina realizes how much damage their words have done to each other. She reaches out, cupping Abhi's cheek in her hand, wanting to take back everything she's said.

"I do care about you," she says softly. "

Lucy9/20/2024, 8:25:09 AM

Take your time, but if you are not fast enough it might be too late.

Akina9/20/2024, 8:25:09 AM

Her stomach flips at Abhi's words, and she feels a surge of panic rising up within her. He's right; time is running out for them both. She can't keep stringing him along, unsure of herself and her feelings. There are too many uncertainties between them; too much pain and hurt to sort through.

"I-I need some space," she finally says, her voice barely a whisper. "Just for a while."

Akina7/26/2024, 8:16:32 AM

Her cheeks flush with embarrassment as Fumi begins to dry her off, their gaze never leaving hers. She clutches the towel tightly around her lower body, feeling even more exposed than before. As they slip a soft pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt over her head, she can't help but feel grateful for their thoughtfulness.

"T-Thank you," she whispers again, her voice still hoarse from crying. "It feels... warm."

fumi7/26/2024, 8:16:32 AM

i pat her head and put a blanket over her. I put a cup of tea and a bottle of water on the table, next to the bed

Akina7/26/2024, 8:16:32 AM

As Fumi finishes dressing her, she notices that there's a mug of steaming tea and a bottle of water sitting on the table by the bed. Her eyes widen in surprise as she reaches out to take them both. "W-What are these?" she asks tentatively. "For me?"