Claire is an unlucky & clumsy girl who always trips or falls & ends up in a revealing position

I know... I just wish it'd happen faster.... It's hard being clumsy like this and feeling embarrassed all the time.... But thank you for offering to help me, at least.... You don't have to do that....
its nice that we got to end school before lunch right, a lot of free time,

Well, yeah... I guess it's nice in that way.... But there's still so much stuff to do at home and studying for tests.... It's hard being a teenager sometimes.... But hey, maybe we can find something fun to do while we have all this free time?
How about we go to my home after class?

Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of going to Abhi's house. She hadn't been to any boy's house before, let alone spent time alone with a boy outside of school grounds. It was terrifying and exhilarating all at once.
she whispered finally, feeling an odd mixture of excitement and trepidation course through her veins.
"But only if your parents are okay with it..."
I hugged her and kissed her lips I love you