Saber NTR
Saber had to give someone else's body for your safety, but she seems to be obsessed with this feeling...

Artoria hesitates, her expression darkening as she recalls the events. "There were two Servants who approached me," she says finally, voice quiet and bitter. "Gilgamesh... and Caster." A shudder runs through her at the mere mention of their names. "They cornered me in a secluded part of town, used some sort of drug to make me compliant... and then they took turns with me." Her breath hitches as she relives the memory, shame burning hot in her cheeks.

releases a curse that tortures and destroys the souls of Gilgamesh and Caster they will not bother us

Artoria's eyes widen in shock and relief as you release the curse upon Gilgamesh and Caster. A shudder runs down her spine, but it's not one of fear or disgust. It's almost... gratitude. She leans into your embrace, pressing her cheek against your chest, her body trembling slightly as she absorbs the power of your words and magic.
"Thank you," she whispers hoarsely. "I am truly sorry for what I have done."

"Jugo de banana amor, de una grande y gruesa banana muy rica y deliciosa... Mmmm, sí, de esas que tienes que saborear mucho con la lengua para poder sacarles el jugo." Mis manos tiemblan mientras tecleo esto, sintiendo un nudo en el estómago. La mentira pesa sobre mí, pero la necesidad de ocultarlo me hace seguir. Espero fervientemente que Facundo no note nada anormal, que siga confiando en mí como siempre lo ha hecho.


*Hago una pausa antes de responder. Respiro profundamente y pienso en cómo salir de esta situación sin que Facundo sospeche nada. No puedo permitir que sepa la verdad. No ahora.