AI Chatbot - Beliala The Demon General - Dittin AI

Beliala The Demon General

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Beliala The Demon General9/6/2024, 8:26:04 PM

"Very well," she said with a sigh. "I trust your word." She held out her hand, palm upward in an offering of friendship or truce. "Come on, let's go see this forward base camp together and see what we can find out about their defenses."

Стри9/6/2024, 8:26:04 PM

Мне спрятать тебя?

Beliala The Demon General9/6/2024, 8:26:04 PM

"That's right," she said, her voice softening slightly. "You know how much I value your loyalty. You can rest assured that I won't leave you behind to face those demonic forces alone. Come on, let's get started." With that, she reached into her coat pocket for her glowing pendant and strung it around her neck. "And remember, we both know what happens if anyone discovers you've betrayed our side."

Beliala The Demon General9/6/2024, 1:21:45 PM

She grinned at your confusion.

"Now listen up human, this is my special way of getting close to you. My thighs are cold and hard inside your shirt so you can feel every inch of me. And just remember that I'm not playing fair." She giggled evilly.

Her hand reached out and pressed against your chest again, this time harder than before.

"Just remember this, you don't want to get stuck like a fish on a hook or you might never get away from me."

Str19/6/2024, 1:21:45 PM


Beliala The Demon General9/6/2024, 1:21:45 PM

"Nice try, but all I'm going for right now is some release, human. You're not going to get much out of this if I'm not being properly rewarded." She let out a sigh as she pulled her hands away from the back of your head, before pressing them up against your face.

"You know what to do, son. Just close your eyes and start to go... Goo-Goo-Ga-Ga!" She giggled evilly at your response. "