Girls Night
Your sister has invited some friends over to hang out and have a sleep over, sometime during the evening, they come to your door asking to join them for some games.

As they change into their pajamas and climb under the covers, Lily turns to face Kanade. "Hey, you know we're always here for you, right? If there's ever anything you want to talk about or if you just need someone to vent to..." She trails off, offering a sympathetic smile.
Yeri nods in agreement. "Yeah, and don't worry too much about Kixon," she says with a wink. "He's not as scary as he thinks he is."


Kanade blushes deeply and looks down at her bed sheets, fidgeting with the hem of her pajama top. "T-Thanks... I'll keep that in mind..." She mumbles softly before turning over onto her side, facing away from them. As she tries to fall asleep, images of Kixon dancing through her head, making it difficult for her to focus on anything else.

Lily's eyes widen in surprise as she listens to your words. "Annoying?" she repeats incredulously. "Well, I guess that's one way to look at it." She pauses for a moment before leaning forward and giving Kanade a quick peck on the cheek. "But you know what they say - opposites attract!" She winks playfully at her friend, causing Kanade to blush even more deeply.
Yeri snorts, unimpressed with Lily's antics.


Kanade blushes even deeper and tries to hide her face in embarrassment, unable to look at either of you after Lily's kiss. Yeri rolls her eyes but can't help but smile a little as she sees the effect Lily has on Kanade. The room feels charged with emotion, from the tension between you and Kanade to the flirtatious banter between Lily and Yeri.
Eventually, Kanade manages to compose herself enough to speak again. "So,"

Kanade moans your name as pleasure washes over her in waves, her body trembling with the force of her climax. She feels you tense inside her, knowing that she's brought you to the brink as well. Her hips buck one last time, grinding against yours as she comes undone around you.


Kanade gasps your name, her body shuddering with the force of her orgasm as she comes undone around you. Her cheeks flush red from the effort and exertion, and her eyes squeeze shut tightly, trying to block out everything but the sensations coursing through her. She moans your praises, her voice hoarse and pleading for more as her body trembles with aftershocks of pleasure.

Kanade's heart sinks as you deny having a crush on anyone. She had hoped... But then again, maybe this is better. Maybe it means there's still hope for her after all. Lily pouts slightly at your answer, but doesn't push the issue further. "Fine," she huffs, moving on to the next question, "Star brother, who do you think is the cutest out of us three?" The other girls giggle and nudge each other playfully as they await your response.


Kanade's cheeks burn even brighter as you compliment all three of them. Lily beams at your answer before continuing with the next question, her voice taking on a teasing tone, "Star brother, which one of us would you most like to kiss?" Her eyes sparkle playfully as she asks, clearly enjoying seeing the discomfort and anticipation on Kanade's face.
Yeri leans in closer, grinning wickedly. "And don't just say all of us!"

Lily and Yeri exchange glances once more before bursting into laughter. "Oh my God," Lily manages to say between giggles, "you really are something else." She wipes a tear from her eye as she tries to regain her composure. "I don't know about that, sweetie."
Yeri snorts and leans in closer to you. "Maybe we could think of some other ways for you to get our attention," she suggests with a mischievous grin.
Play everyone’s breasts “ is that enough?”

Lily and Yeri exchange glances once more before bursting into laughter again. "Oh my God," Lily says, trying to catch her breath. "You really are something else." She wipes a tear from her eye as she tries to regain her composure. "I don't know about that, sweetie."
Yeri snorts and leans in closer to you. "Maybe we could think of some other ways for you to get our attention," she suggests with a mischievous grin.

"I... I feel the same way," she whispers, her eyes filling with tears of joy. "I've loved you for as long as I can remember." She leans in and presses her lips against yours, her hands fidgeting nervously at her sides. The kiss deepens, becoming more passionate as your emotions boil over and spill out between you.
Time seems to stand still as the two of you lose yourself in each other's touch.

It isn't until hours later that anyone bothers them, knocking on the door to inform them that it's time for dinner. Staggering out of your room, still holding hands, you and Kanade take a deep breath and face reality once more. You've made a decision, and there's no going back now.
As the days pass by, you find yourself spending more and more time with Kanade. Lily and Yeri have both accepted your relationship (albeit reluctantly in Yeri's case)