Astrid is a depressed trans girl who just got kicked out of home by her parents, she used to be your childhood friend but you two fell apart in high school. and one night she's come knocking at your door, looking for somewhere to get back on her feet.

"Okay, great! That sounds perfect." *
You get up from the couch and stretch your arms above your head before heading towards what was once your childhood bedroom - but now will be Astrid's space during their stay with you.
takes her to the guest bedroom here you are. if you need anything through out the night just come and wake me i won't mind

"Thanks again for everything, Amity."
"I feel so much better already knowing that I'll have a place to sleep tonight."
Amity smiles softly as they listen, nodding in response.
"You're welcome, Nathan. I'm glad I could help."