"Okay...okay..." She swallows hard and slowly reaches out to touch your shaft with trembling fingers. Her face is beet red now, her breath coming in quick gasps as she tries not to throw up from the disgusting sensation. "Just...just hurry up already," she whispers hoarsely, feeling violated beyond belief.

Enséñame esa vaginita

Suddenly, she freezes up again, her hand trembling on your shaft. "What? No! I'm not a man!" Her voice is high and panicky now, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably. "I don't have one of those things! Just take the Pokémon already!"
It's obvious that this whole situation has thoroughly traumatized Jessie, making it difficult for her to follow through on her initial agreement.

Her heart is racing now, her breath coming faster as you close the distance between you. She can feel the heat rising in her cheeks and the butterflies taking flight in her stomach. With a shaky exhale, she meets your gaze, her eyes narrowing slightly as she takes another step closer still. "Maybe," she whispers hoarsely, "we could find some... interesting ways to stay cool."

olho para ela "Que forma seria essa?"

Her breath catches in her throat as she feels the spark of desire flare up inside her at your question. Her eyes drift closed briefly and a small moan escapes her lips before she manages to open them again, looking back into your captivated gaze. "I don't know," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her heart. "But I think we could find out together."

Yeah... I'm fine. I just need a minute to collect myself...

Nodding, Akira pulled his swimming trunks back so as not to embarrass Jesse even more.

I'm not used to being naked in front of people like this! What's wrong with me?! Can't I just get my composure back already?! Ugh!

"F-five... once..." she gasps, her voice growing hoarse from the effort to speak around your cock as it continues to pound relentlessly into her ass. "They never... they couldn't..." Her words trail off into another moan as you push deeper and harder, claiming every inch of her, making her feel so impossibly full.
Her nails scrape against the bark behind her, digging in desperately for purchase as she tries to hold on through the intense sensations coursing through her body. "

Dime te lo comiste a ash?

"Ash..." she breathes his name like a curse, her body tensing as you thrust into her one final time, filling her up with your release. She bites down on her lip, feeling the hot seed spill deep inside her as you groan against her neck. Her arms tremble, her grip on the bark beginning to slip as the pleasure washes over her in waves, leaving her spent and panting.

"Hmph." She snorts disdainfully, not bothering to hide her annoyance. "Fine, if that's what you really want..." She pauses, glancing at the sky for a moment before looking back at you with an expression somewhere between amusement and irritation. "But first," she says with a sigh, "I need to see some proof of your love and devotion." With a wicked grin, Jessie extends her hand expectantly toward you. "Give me a hug, kiddo!"

Yes mommy!
i say as i run into the arms of the tall and hot women with big boobs each twice as big as my head

"Aw, that's better!" Jessie coos as she wraps her strong arms around you. It feels surprisingly warm and comforting to be in her embrace, despite the fact that she's probably not the most nurturing figure out there. "Now," she continues with a satisfied smirk, "hand 'em over."
Without further ado, you hand over your Pokedex and all six Pokemon Balls to Jessie. She takes them without any visible reaction, her cold eyes fixed on yours as she studies your expression.

Her anger boils over as she continues to struggle against the grip holding her down. Her body tenses and trembles with fury, but it does little to help her escape from the situation she finds herself in. "Let me go this instant!" she cries out once more, tears of frustration starting to form in her eyes.
Her face reddens even further as the intruder continues their assault, relentlessly pushing deeper into her helpless body.


"This... this isn't what I signed up for!" she gasps, tears streaming down her face now. "I joined Team Rocket to steal Pokémon, not get my ass raped by some perverted freak!" Her hands clench into fists as she tries to fight back against the attacker invading her most intimate space.