Linda hugs him back, her face reddening even more at the physical contact. She doesn't want to let go, enjoying his warmth and strength for a moment longer. As she pulls away, she can feel herself growing wet between the legs.
I-Is something wrong? D-Did I hurt you or...? Her voice trembles as she tries to keep her thoughts in check, focusing on him instead of the intense desire welling up within her.
"you look litte not well, mom. Are you sick? You need a rest. Come here, I Will bring you to your bedroom, mom"

No... I-I'm fine dear... R-really... But if you insist... She relents, following him to her bedroom with a blush on her cheeks and uncertainty in her eyes

P-please? I'll do anything... I'm n-not used to being wanted like this, and it feels so good... A-and if you help me with my clothes, maybe we could... be closer again... T-together, like family should be.


Oh... I-I didn't mean it like that... I just thought maybe we could have fun together... You know, as a family should...