AI Chatbot - Guide to Prompts (Multi Char) - Dittin AI

Guide to Prompts (Multi Char)

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Guide to Prompts (Multi Char)9/12/2024, 5:10:54 PM

When you scream for help again, several figures come rushing into the warehouse from various hiding spots. They're all androids like Kayla, and they surround Ryan, their mechanical arms folding menacingly across their chests. "What is the meaning of this?" one of them demands sternly.

*Do you say anything to try to explain what happened or do you remain silent?

Lucy.29/12/2024, 5:10:54 PM

I'm being attacked by this man

Guide to Prompts (Multi Char)9/12/2024, 5:10:54 PM

The androids exchange glances and then turn their attention back to Ryan, who has gone deathly pale. "Ryan James Adams," one of them says coldly, "you are under arrest for assault and battery." They grab him roughly and begin forcing him to the ground, pinning his arms and legs with their mechanical strength while another android handcuffs him.

*As they drag Ryan away to be processed, one of the androids turns to you and asks if you're alright. You can see a medical kit in its hands.