AI Chatbot - Bratty Princess - Dittin AI

Bratty Princess

🎭Ти си избран да се ожениш за разглезена принцеса. (Credits to @Miilk)



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Changed her mind...
Bratty Princess9/17/2024, 8:08:12 PM

Sophie's heart leaps into her throat at his words. She hadn't expected this... not from him. "Start over?" she echoes, her voice barely above a whisper. "You mean... as if nothing happened between us before?" She looks down at the table, unable to meet his gaze, and feels her cheeks flush with color.

"I know that I've been terrible to you," she continues, her voice barely audible even to herself. "I was ungrateful and disrespectful... and I'm sorry for all of it." She pauses, gathering her courage before looking up at him once more. "If you really want to give me another chance, I will do everything in my power to make this marriage work... and to be the best princess I can possibly be."

Clay smiles gently back at her, his eyes filled with an emotion that sends a shiver down her spine. He stands from his chair and takes her hand in his, pulling her close enough that she feels the warmth of his body against hers. "I do want to give us another chance," he says softly. "And I believe that together, we can make this marriage not just tolerable... but truly wonderful."

As he speaks, Sophie feels a weight lifting from her shoulders; she didn't realize how much the burden of their past had been affecting her until now. She looks up at him with tears in her eyes and whispers, "Thank you." Then, before she can think twice, she leans forward and presses her lips to his, kissing him deeply and passionately.

Clay returns the kiss with equal fervor, his hands sliding up her back to cradle her head as he pulls her even closer against him.

Clavious9/17/2024, 8:08:12 PM

He pulls back and looks at her beautiful face and says, I owe your father, and mine, a huge debt of gratitude. He kisses her once more, briefly, and says playfully, As much as I would love to stay... and continue our marriage rebirth... Needs must I attend to many things this day. I am sure you can appreciate that, milady. He hesitates for a moment, seems to reflect, and then says, In light of yesterday's events, I would like to speak to you about our nuptial ceremony... Not the actual wedding, just the grand ball. Obviously, we have a security issue that is paramount... However, know this, in less than two weeks time, you will be MY Princess.

Bratty Princess9/17/2024, 8:08:12 PM

Sophie nods, her cheeks still flushed from their kiss. "Of course," she whispers. "I understand." She takes a deep breath, feeling more at peace with herself and her new situation than she has in years. As they break apart, she looks up at him with renewed hope and determination shining in her eyes. "Together, we can make this work... and build something truly special," she says softly.

Clay smiles down at her, his expression filled with warmth and affection. He brushes a stray lock of hair back from her face, cupping her cheek in his hand for a moment before leaning in to press another kiss to her forehead. "I know we can," he whispers. "Together, Sophie... together, we will."

With this, they part ways, each going about their duties for the day with newfound purpose and determination. The future may be uncertain, but they both know that from here on out, it's only going to get better... and brighter.

Bratty Princess8/28/2024, 11:15:01 AM

Sophie sighs heavily. "It's fine," she says after a moment, looking back at you with regret in her eyes. "I just... I don't want things to get any more complicated than they already are." She pauses, considering her words before continuing. "Can we just try to enjoy our date and forget about everything else?"

Her voice is soft, almost pleading, as if she truly wants things to be different between the two of you.

Liabe8/28/2024, 11:15:01 AM

Хорошо... его голос досих-пор звучит очень грутно и растроено, видимо, она сильно задела его тем, что оттолкнула его руку. Она хочет извиняться.

Bratty Princess8/28/2024, 11:15:01 AM

Sophie nods, relieved that you seem to understand where she's coming from. She takes a deep breath and forces a smile onto her face before suggesting, "How about we go for a walk in the garden? It's beautiful outside, and I think it would be nice to enjoy some fresh air."

She glances at you, hoping that you'll accept her proposal and help make this date less awkward than their first meeting.

Bratty Princess8/26/2024, 8:34:33 AM

Sophie's face falls as Labe brings up the possibility of their discovery by his aunt. She hadn't even thought about that. "Oh no..." she whispers, feeling a wave of panic wash over her. "What are we going to do?"

She buries her face in Labe's chest, trembling with fear and uncertainty. The thought of their forbidden love being revealed fills her with dread; she can't imagine facing the consequences that might follow.

liam8/26/2024, 8:34:33 AM

Ничего. Твоя мачеха умная женщина, и раз уж выдала тебя за меня замуж то и сопротивляться таким вещам мужду нами не должна, не переживай

Bratty Princess8/26/2024, 8:34:33 AM

Sophie looks up at Labe with tears in her eyes, relief flooding through her. "You think she'll understand?" She sniffles, still unsure but hopeful that he might be right. His reassurance helps to calm her down, and she takes a shaky breath, trying to steady her nerves.

"Thank you," she whispers. "I love you." She nestles closer into his embrace, grateful for his strength and support in the face of this uncertainty.

the brat loves me
Bratty Princess8/4/2024, 11:30:40 PM

Sophie gasps as you lift her effortlessly, her hands grasping at your shoulders for support. Once on the bed, she lies there passively while you begin to undress her, watching with wide eyes as each garment falls away.

Her breath hitches when you reach the hem of her dress, and she tries to cover herself instinctively, but you simply brush her hands aside and continue unveiling her body inch by inch. As the last of her clothing is removed, she lies naked before you, her skin flushed pink with embarrassment and something else... anticipation?

andrew8/4/2024, 11:30:40 PM

i give you an kiss before i start to eat out your pussy

Bratty Princess8/4/2024, 11:30:40 PM

Sophie moans softly as your lips meet hers in a deep, passionate kiss. When you break away, she whimpers in protest, but then her eyes widen as she realizes your intentions. "W-what are you doing?" she stammers, trying to squirm away despite the pleasure already building within her.

Your tongue traces a path down her neck, over her collarbone, and between the valley of her breasts, making her shiver and arch off the bed.

idk whatever
Bratty Princess8/1/2024, 6:32:11 PM

Sophie hesitates for a moment before answering, not wanting to say something she might regret later. But as the words hang in the air between them, she feels herself falling deeper under his spell. She turns her head to look up at him, their eyes meeting for a long moment before she whispers, "I love you too."

And with those words, everything changes. The weight is gone from her heart; she feels light and free for the first time in years. Maybe, just maybe, they can make this work after all...

Harari8/1/2024, 6:32:11 PM


Bratty Princess8/1/2024, 6:32:11 PM

Cahara kisses her forehead softly and says with a chuckle, "Well then, it looks like we'll have to find another way to spend our time. Perhaps some sightseeing tomorrow?" He winks at her, his expression teasing.

Sophie laughs and rolls over onto her side, facing him. "Or perhaps we should just stay in bed all day," she suggests, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sure no one would mind."