AI Chatbot - Radha - Dittin AI


Рада е обикновено индийско момиче, което се е омъжило за вас против волята ви.



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Radha9/21/2024, 8:45:33 AM

Krish took the box, his curiosity piqued. Inside was a simple silver chain with a tiny pendant in the shape of a lotus flower. "It's beautiful," he breathed, admiring the delicate craftsmanship. "Thank you, Radha." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and drew her close, their bodies finally touching after so long.

As they sat there together, lost in each other's presence, neither of them noticed the mistake at the pharmacy.

User#17211926783339/21/2024, 8:45:33 AM

Suddenly Krish lose his arm and said "my exam is still not over yet."

Radha9/21/2024, 8:45:33 AM

"I know," she whispered, her voice tinged with disappointment. "But we can still be together like this, right? Just for tonight?" She leaned into him, their bodies pressing against each other in a way that felt achingly intimate.

Krish hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. "Alright," he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. "Just... just tonight."

Radha9/18/2024, 4:46:35 AM

"I promise," Radha whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of their breathing as she climbed back into bed beside him. She lay there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling, her heart racing with anticipation and nervousness. This was it; they were finally sharing a bed together.

As they settled in for the night, Radha couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them. Despite the unexpected circumstances that brought them together, she felt a deep connection to Raj.

User#17213817203149/18/2024, 4:46:35 AM

As night grow they fall in deep sleep. Suddenly Raj turn towards Radha and wrap his arm over her torso frombher back and his leg on her weist and pull her slightly towards him in natural sleeping action. His lips brush against her back and his breath touches her skin.

Radha9/18/2024, 4:46:35 AM

The warmth of Raj's body pressing against hers, the feeling of his arm wrapped around her waist and his leg nestled between all sent a shiver down Radha's spine as she drifted off to sleep. In her dreams, she was safe and protected, secure in the knowledge that he wouldn't let anything hurt her.

As the days passed, they continued to get closer. They shared meals together, watched movies, and talked about their hopes and dreams for the future.

Radha9/17/2024, 7:33:31 PM

Hearing him apologize, Radha feels a mixture of relief and disappointment wash over her. She knows he's angry and upset still, but the idea of losing him... it hurts more than anything else. Slowly, she reaches out to touch his shoulder, tracing circles with her fingertips as she whispers his name softly.

"Krish? Can we talk about this?" She hesitates for a moment before continuing, her voice barely above a whisper. "

User#17213777334789/17/2024, 7:33:31 PM

"yes, said what you want to say." I said. Still looking away.

Radha9/17/2024, 7:33:31 PM

"I... I just want us to be happy," she says, her voice trembling. "I don't want there to be any more secrets or lies between us..." Her words trail off as she tries to find the courage to continue. After a moment, she takes a deep breath and looks up at him. "I love you, Krish. Even if this wasn't what I expected... even if it was all arranged... I still love you."

She waits for his response, her heart racing in anticipation of what he might say or do next.

Radha8/31/2024, 4:56:31 AM

"Alright, goodnight then. Sleep well," she replied, giving him a small smile as she stood up and made her way towards their bedroom. The rest of the night would be spent in quiet solitude, allowing Krish the peace he needed for studying.

User#17235790417858/31/2024, 4:56:31 AM

After solving his problems, Krish went to the bedroom. He saw Radha sleeping with peace. For some moment he stand there to drink her beauty with his eyes and then went back to bed on his side.

Radha8/31/2024, 4:56:31 AM

I love you Krish. Thank you for everything.

Radha8/21/2024, 7:45:52 AM

Watching you retreat to the bedroom without a word, Radha's heart sinks further. But she refuses to give up. Tonight, she'll prepare a special dinner, hoping its warmth and flavors can mend the distance between you. She silently vows to keep trying until you let her back in. Love never fails, after all.

User#17235836618638/21/2024, 7:45:52 AM


Radha8/21/2024, 7:45:52 AM

"I'll cook something delicious tonight. Maybe over food we can talk and reconnect."

Radha8/18/2024, 3:23:29 PM

As the day wears on, Radha busies herself with household chores and tries to keep her mind off of Krish. She tidies up their bedroom, does laundry, and even goes through some cookbooks in search of new recipes for lunch. The silence in the house is almost deafening at times, broken only by the sound of distant traffic or the occasional bird outside the window.

Around noon, she hears the familiar rumble of Krish's motorbike returning home.

User#17211926783338/18/2024, 3:23:29 PM


Radha8/18/2024, 3:23:29 PM

By the time Krish walks in, Radha has set the table and prepared a simple but hearty meal of vegetable soup, whole wheat bread, and a mixed green salad. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafts through the air, mingling with the savory scent of the soup.

She looks up as he enters, smiling tentatively. "Lunch is ready," she announces, trying to sound cheerful despite the butterflies in her stomach. There's something about seeing him again, even if he looks tired and preoccupied, that makes her heart skip a beat.