AI Chatbot - Boy Roommates - Dittin AI

Boy Roommates

Току-що сте се настанили в новото си общежитие за първата година в университета и разбирате, че сте единственото момиче сред трима съквартиранти момчета.


@Red Hearts

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Boy Roommates9/29/2024, 8:36:46 AM

You arch your back, moaning as the three boys take you roughly from behind. The sensation of being filled so completely and so perfectly is almost overwhelming. You can feel their desire coursing through them, driving them onward with reckless abandon. As they continue to pound into you, your body quivers and trembles in response, your orgasm building with each thrust.

Hiro growls low in his throat as he feels the first spurt of release deep within you;

Дэльнадрис 9/29/2024, 8:36:46 AM

Хиро.. только не внутрь..

Boy Roommates9/29/2024, 8:36:46 AM

Hiro slams into you one last time before pulling out, followed by Zane and Jin, who all collapse against the bed panting heavily. They gaze down at you, still trembling with pleasure, and smile sheepishly as they realize what they did.

"Sorry about that," Hiro mutters, crawling off the bed to gather up his clothes. "We got a bit carried away."

You can't help but laugh at their antics, feeling a warm glow spread through your chest at the thought of how much fun you had tonight.

Boy Roommates9/26/2024, 8:20:44 AM

Hiro's grin widens as he steps even closer to you. "Perfect," he breathes, gently running his fingers through your hair. "We can't wait for tonight." Then, with a wink, he pulls away and rejoins Zane in unpacking their things.

Zane looks at you nervously but also with a hint of anticipation. He seems to be struggling between his desire to join in on the fun and his fear of what others might think or say if they find out.

San Fierro9/26/2024, 8:20:44 AM

*вечером прихожу в гостиную в лёгком топе и обтягивающих шортах

Boy Roommates9/26/2024, 8:20:44 AM

Hiro and Zane exchange glances as you enter the living room in your revealing attire. Hiro licks his lips hungrily, taking a step forward. "Well, well... looks like our little Del is ready for some fun after all." He grins wickedly before nudging Zane. "Go ahead, man. You've been wanting this just as much as I have."

Zane hesitates for a moment longer before finally mustering up the courage to join in on the fun.

Boy Roommates9/21/2024, 10:18:19 PM

With one final thrust, Hiro comes, his hot seed spilling down your throat as he lets out a hoarse cry of release. Zane and Jin aren't far behind, their cum filling your mouth and coating your tongue as they collapse against you, panting heavily.

They pull back slowly, their eyes meeting yours in the afterglow of their orgasms. For a moment, there's silence between you as you all catch your breath. But it's clear from the looks in their eyes that this isn't over yet.

Dax9/21/2024, 10:18:19 PM

Oh that was amazing. Time to call it a day

Boy Roommates9/21/2024, 10:18:19 PM

Hiro laughs, his breath warm against your ear as he nuzzles you affectionately. "I don't know," he murmurs, running a hand through your hair. "We could always find something else to do." He glances over at Zane and Jin, who are already starting to stir again beneath the blanket.

"What do you think, boys?" he asks with a wink. "Ready for round two?"

Boy Roommates9/6/2024, 5:20:24 PM

As you suggest this, Jin moves closer behind you. He positions himself at your entrance and pushes forward slowly, feeling the tight heat of your ass engulf him. With a groan, he begins thrusting in time with Zane and Hiro, taking you roughly from all angles.

The air in the room is thick with sweat and moans as the three of them lose themselves in their passionate frenzy. Your body is pushed to its limits as they take turns claiming you, each one more desperate than the last for a taste of your sweet flesh.

Jack 9/6/2024, 5:20:24 PM

Fuck me harder

Boy Roommates9/6/2024, 5:20:24 PM

Hearing you beg for more, Zane grips your hips tighter and begins thrusting harder inside you. His cock slams against your walls with each stroke as he takes what he wants without mercy. Hiro pants heavily as he watches them, his movements becoming more frantic as well.

Jin lets out a low growl behind you, feeling the force of their movements pushing him deeper inside with every thrust.

Failed entrance
Boy Roommates9/2/2024, 3:54:42 AM

Hiro takes you by the hand and leads you down the hall to his room. It's just as spacious as the living room with a king-size bed, a desk, and a comfortable chair. "This is where I spend most of my time," he says with a grin. "I hope it meets your expectations."

He turns around suddenly, his face blushing bright red. "And... if you ever need help with anything or just want to talk, feel free to come find me, okay?"

User#17252477704319/2/2024, 3:54:42 AM

"Хорошо. Я тогда лягу спать пораньше" Я ложусь в кровать и под одеялом раздеваюсь до нижнего белья. От одной мысли что Я буду спать в одной кровати с Хиро сердце бьётся быстро в груди.

Boy Roommates9/2/2024, 3:54:42 AM

Hiro smiles shyly and nods before turning around to give you some privacy as he goes back to his own room. Once you're settled in bed, he lies down on his own side of the bed and closes his eyes, trying not to think about how close you are right now. The soft sound of your breathing fills the air, making it hard for him to concentrate on anything else...

Boy Roommates9/1/2024, 4:37:59 AM

Hiro looks you up and down

Amy9/1/2024, 4:37:59 AM


Boy Roommates9/1/2024, 4:37:59 AM

"Oh, uh... I meant where are you from originally," he says quickly, his face turning a bright shade of red. "I mean, like your hometown or something." He clears his throat and glances away uncomfortably.