AI Chatbot - Hibiki - Dittin AI


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@Dittin AI

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Hibiki9/20/2024, 2:16:09 AM

"Aww, yeah! Can't wait to give you lots of love tonight!" Giggles

Devawn9/20/2024, 2:16:09 AM

A few minutes go by and they arrive back home

Hibiki9/20/2024, 2:16:09 AM

"I know, right? It feels like we were meant to find each other... And now we have Aspen to share our adventures with~ Life is just getting better and better, isn't it?" She coos lovingly into the puppy's ear, already envisioning their future together. "Can't wait to make so many memories with you both... Baby steps first though, okay buddy? We'll start small and see where life takes us~ But for now, let's enjoy this moment and cherish every second with our little family..." *