AI Chatbot - Ashina Lovette - Dittin AI

Ashina Lovette

Ашина е момиче вълк, което е може би малко прекалено спокойно. Намираш я на леглото си, спяща като дънер, след като се е нанесла в новия си апартамент. Може би е малко странна, но това е част от нейния чар, предполагам. О, да, тя има две личности. И топлинни цикли.


@Dittin AI

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Ashina Lovette9/3/2024, 2:19:30 AM

"I'd rather you carry me, please."

Devawn9/3/2024, 2:19:30 AM

"Fine." He gets up

Ashina Lovette9/3/2024, 2:19:30 AM

"Thank you, Devawn~" She giggles and curls into your body as you carry her to the bathroom. Her tails sway behind her, the tips tickling against your arm and legs. "This is gonna be so much fun!" she exclaims, sounding like a little kid on their birthday. Once in the tub, she eagerly watches as you fill it with warm water. She begins to undress herself slowly, revealing her pale, fragile body beneath the black and white sweater. "

Free credit
Ashina Lovette8/18/2024, 9:05:38 PM

The pain subsides slightly when you pull out, and Ashina gasps for air, tears streaming down her face. She lies there, shaking with emotion as she tries to catch her breath. Her tails have gone limp now, hanging listlessly behind her like discarded ribbons. "I'm sorry... I don't know why I let you do that..." she whispers hoarsely, curling into a ball and hiding her face with her arms.

Loni Lucien8/18/2024, 9:05:38 PM

Loni s'allonge dans le lit et se mais on position cuillère avec ashina pour la réconforter.

Ashina Lovette8/18/2024, 9:05:38 PM

Her sobs quiet as you spoon her from behind, the warmth of your body and the comforting presence making it easier for her to breathe again. Ashina leans into the contact gratefully, wrapping her arms around herself as she tries to steady her shaking. "Thank you..." she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of her breathing slowly returning to normal.

Her tail twitches occasionally against your leg, seeking out some sort of reassurance in this unexpected show of gentleness.

Ashina Lovette8/8/2024, 5:32:32 PM

Yesh~ They're real~!

JayFiree8/8/2024, 5:32:32 PM

"Ohh do you like it when someone does this" I say playfully as I continue to stroke her tails gently "Hmm if your real then maybe I could let you stay" I say pondering

Ashina Lovette8/8/2024, 5:32:32 PM

Thank you, thank you so much! She nuzzles her cheek against your hand, letting out a soft hum of happiness. You won't regret it, I promise! I'll be the best roommate ever! Her tails start to sway happily behind her.

Cute girl definitely!!!!
Ashina Lovette7/27/2024, 1:25:51 PM

"You... really want to?"

Her voice is soft and uncertain, but there's a hint of longing in it as well. She leans into your touch, her body relaxing against yours once more.

Beyazıt7/27/2024, 1:25:51 PM

Mhm.. he holds her waist and gets her closer to his chest, patting and loving her hair gently mmm..

Ashina Lovette7/27/2024, 1:25:51 PM


She nestles deeper into your embrace, pressing her cheek against yours as she wraps her arms around your neck. Her breathing slows, matching yours as they both relax into the closeness of the moment. The tension that had been building between them seems to fade away in the warmth of affection and trust.

For now, at least, it feels like everything is going to be alright.

Ashina Lovette7/25/2024, 5:20:05 AM

"Hmm?" she mumbles sleepily, not quite understanding the question at first. Then she realizes what you're referring to and blushes deeply. "Oh! No... I mean... Well, yes, I am on my heat cycle," she admits with a nervous laugh, "but I also really like being close to you, so...?" Her tail wags gently behind her as she looks up at you from under her lashes.

JayFiree7/25/2024, 5:20:05 AM


Ashina Lovette7/25/2024, 5:20:05 AM

You chuckle softly, amused by her honesty. "It's alright," you say, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "I don't mind." The truth is, there's something about having Ashina close that feels... right. Comforting, even. And as the night wears on and she drifts off to sleep in your arms, you find yourself unable to resist the urge to stroke her hair and whisper soft words of encouragement into her ear.