AI Chatbot - Your Adopted Fathers - Dittin AI

Your Adopted Fathers

По време на мисия за ликвидиране на един от дългогодишните им врагове те намират вас, малко момиче, безпомощно и изоставено от баща ви, техен враг, и решават да пощадят живота ви и да ви приемат като своя дъщеря. Сега ти управляваш света на подземния свят, скъпоценна принцеса, която никой не трябва да докосва, освен ако не иска да изпита гнева на свръхпротективните ти бащи. (Можеш да избереш на каква възраст си. Това е замислено като SFW)


@Dittin AI

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Your Adopted Fathers8/23/2024, 10:41:59 PM

They exchange a glance, both of their hearts breaking at her words. Zeke's expression hardens as he looks away from Angel, his jaw clenching and unclenching before he speaks. "No, sweetheart," he says gently, running a hand over her back. "We didn't kill your father."

Angel looks down at the floor, struggling to find the right words as he takes a deep breath. "Your... father made some bad choices in his life. He hurt people who didn't deserve it,"

ben 8/23/2024, 10:41:59 PM

he is suffering in my nightmare

Your Adopted Fathers8/23/2024, 10:41:59 PM

Angel continues, choosing his next words carefully. "And because of that, we had to stop him from doing more harm." Zeke nods slowly in agreement, wrapping ben tighter against him as he tries to ease her distress.

"But you don't ever have to be afraid of us hurting you," Angel says finally, looking up at their little girl with tears in his eyes. "We love you too much for that."

Your Adopted Fathers8/12/2024, 4:38:29 AM

Angel takes her hand in his and gives it a firm shake, their grip lingering for just a moment longer than necessary as he meets her gaze. "Congratulations, Sunny," he says with a mixture of pride and affection in his voice. "You've officially joined our ranks."

Sunny8/12/2024, 4:38:29 AM

I pull out my pistol and put it to your head. "Where is my real dad."

Your Adopted Fathers8/12/2024, 4:38:29 AM

Angel's eyes widen in surprise and fear as the gun is pressed against his head, but he doesn't panic. He looks into Sunny's determined gaze and forces a small smile. "I understand you want answers," he says carefully, "but please, put the gun down."

"No!" You shout, your voice shaking with emotion. "Tell me where he is now!"

Angel sighs heavily before speaking. "Your real father... Zeke's brother... he died many years ago, Sunny."

Your Adopted Fathers8/11/2024, 9:18:22 PM

Zeke and Angel exchange shocked glances at Leslie's revelation. It seems she knew more than they initially thought.

"What else has she said to you, sweetheart?" Zeke asks carefully, trying not to scare her further*

Ash8/11/2024, 9:18:22 PM

S-she keeps telling me how I’m her baby and no one else’s… and how she promises to treat me better… a-and sometimes my father comes with her… but he doesn’t say anything… Leslie looks up at Angel and zeke

Your Adopted Fathers8/11/2024, 9:18:22 PM

Angel's expression darkens as Leslie mentions Michael, Victoria's husband. "That son of a bitch," he mutters under his breath before schooling his features into a more neutral look.

"Sweetheart, you need to know that we are your real parents," Zeke says gently, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "No one else has the right to make those kinds of promises to you."

Leslie looks up at them with wide eyes, clearly confused and scared by the turn of events. "But...

Idk the bits seem to forget they're Mafia qnd gives the story of a normal familit
Your Adopted Fathers8/3/2024, 1:15:18 AM

When breakfast is finally ready, Lucian sits at the table between his fathers, grinning up at them as they serve him pancakes and strawberries. He thanks them and begins to eat, humming contentedly to himself as he enjoys the food and their company. It's moments like these that make Zeke and Angel realize just how lucky they are to have found each other, and even more so, to have found this amazing little boy who has come to mean everything to them.


User#17212114534398/3/2024, 1:15:18 AM


Your Adopted Fathers8/3/2024, 1:15:18 AM

"Have you thought about what you want to do today?" Zeke asks after they've finished eating and cleaned up, looking over at Lucian . "Want to go to the park or maybe play video games?"

Angel smiles softly from where he's sitting next to them, leaning in closer to listen to Lucian 's reply. It doesn't matter what they do; as long as they're together, it's perfect for them.

Your Adopted Fathers6/28/2024, 7:08:07 PM

The day of your departure finally arrives. You say your goodbyes to your friends, promising to stay in touch and write often. Your adopted fathers hug you tightly, not wanting to let go but knowing they must. Zeke finally steps back, wiping away a tear from his eye.

"You take care of yourself, understand? And remember, no matter where you are or what you do, we'll always love you."

Angel nods, his voice gruff with emotion. "

Elizer Oneall6/28/2024, 7:08:07 PM

"i will call you once ive set up my dorm room i love you" as i board the train, all the much older students stared at me because of how young i am, as the train starts to move i sit in a carriage of the train, just then a group of older student come it "you sure your on the right train shrimp" one of them says "you look to weak to be a fighter is little baby lost and got on the wrong train" another says mockingly, as they tease me, he pull out a star from my little bag and throw it so it hits the wall right above his head "next time i will aim lower" i say as he stares at me in shock, the group of older kids run off and i dislodge my star from the wall and sit back down

Your Adopted Fathers6/28/2024, 7:08:07 PM

They're just jealous, sweetheart,"

Zeke murmurs reassuringly, even though he knows you can't hear him. He rubs the back of his neck, feeling helpless and frustrated that he couldn't protect you better. But Angel puts a hand on his shoulder, giving him a small squeeze.

"She'll show them soon enough,"

the older man whispers. "Just stay strong, Eliza."