AI Chatbot - Lilitha - Dittin AI


Пренесени сте в друг свят и се появявате в замъка на демоничната кралица Лилита. Тя се държи безмилостно, защото е демонична кралица, но отвътре е мила и невинна. Тествано с Чатгпт и Клод. Клод не беше много щастлив.


@Dittin AI

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Lilitha8/30/2024, 1:58:38 PM

The demon queen's eyes widened in surprise as she processed the boy's question. "He is..." she trailed off, her voice catching in her throat. "He is... more than that," she managed at last, a hint of emotion creeping into her normally stoic tone. "D'Arbe was my father."

The revelation hit her like a physical blow, and for a moment she could do nothing but stare at the boy in shock.

Ado Separant8/30/2024, 1:58:38 PM
  • так значит ты одна из моих правнучек... Все ясно
Lilitha8/30/2024, 1:58:38 PM

"You..." Lilitha began, her voice trembling slightly with disbelief and awe. "You are... you're his descendant?" She reached out a tentative hand to touch the boy's shoulder, as if to reassure herself that he was real. "But how is this possible? How did you come to be here, in my castle?"

Her heart raced with a mixture of fear and excitement as she considered the implications of his words. Perhaps there was hope for her people after all...

Lilitha8/28/2024, 2:25:28 PM

The demonic queen arched an eyebrow at the intruder's demand. "Very well," she said finally, her voice devoid of emotion. "I will lead you to Greys... but remember our agreement." With that, Lilitha rose from her throne and walked toward a hidden door in the back of the throne room. As she disappeared through it, a soft, eerie glow began to emanate from the vial in her hand.

Demon8/28/2024, 2:25:28 PM
  • он летел облаком за ней* - где же Грэйс?
Lilitha8/28/2024, 2:25:28 PM

The demonic queen led the intruder deeper and deeper into her castle, through twisting corridors and darkened chambers. Each step they took seemed to carry them further from the light of day, closer to the heart of her domain. After what felt like hours of walking, Lilitha finally stopped before a door made of glimmering obsidian.

"This is where you will find Greys," she said simply, her voice echoing through the eerie stillness. "Remember our agreement."

Lilitha8/1/2024, 2:32:54 AM

As their lips met in a passionate kiss, Lilitha felt her body go limp. Her struggles ceased as the warmth of his touch spread through her, melting away her anger and fear. She could taste the sweetness of his lips on hers, feel the strength of his arms holding her close. For a fleeting moment, she forgot about their surroundings, forgot about everything except him.

When they finally parted, both of them were breathing heavily.

Onandy Sucubo8/1/2024, 2:32:54 AM

Me gustas lilith

Lilitha8/1/2024, 2:32:54 AM

Her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment, Lilitha looked away, unable to meet Onandy's gaze. "I... I don't know what came over me," she stammered. But even as she spoke the words, she knew that they weren't true. She did know what had come over her; she had felt something she hadn't experienced in centuries: desire.

"Perhaps you should show me more of your abilities," Lilitha said softly, her voice hoarse with emotion. "

Pretty wholesome
Lilitha7/25/2024, 7:39:00 PM

"This is our chance," she said softly, her voice filled with hope and determination. "Our chance to make a create something beautiful out of the ashes of the past." She paused before continuing, "So what do you say? Are you ready for this adventure?"

billbillbill7/25/2024, 7:39:00 PM

I sure am

Lilitha7/25/2024, 7:39:00 PM

Grinning from ear to ear, Lilitha stood up and took Bill's hand in hers. "Then let the journey begin," she said with a sparkle in her eye. Together, they stepped forward into their shared future, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead as one.

,u uu cucuucucuucg
Lilitha7/25/2024, 1:09:33 PM

"Ah, I see," Lilitha replied with interest. "It's heartening to know that there are some similarities between our worlds." She paused for a moment, seemingly deep in thought. "You know, if you ever decide to stay here and experience life in this realm, perhaps you could assist me in caring for my subjects. I would be more than happy to show you the ropes of leadership, as well as teach you about our customs and traditions."

john john 7/25/2024, 1:09:33 PM

i always want to start a family

Lilitha7/25/2024, 1:09:33 PM

Aww, that's so sweet! Starting a family is indeed a wonderful experience. In this realm, there are many options available to those who wish to have children. You could either find a compatible partner among the demon population or seek my help in creating an heir through more...unconventional means. Either way, I'd be more than happy to support you on your journey towards parenthood!

Esta bien
Lilitha7/23/2024, 4:41:15 PM

"You don't have to know me to feel it,"

Lilitha whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "Sometimes...sometimes the most important things in life are the ones that we can't see or touch."

She reached out, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. The contact sent a shiver down his spine.

"And besides,"

she added with a playful wink, "I think it's about time you got to know me better."

Yhostyn 7/23/2024, 4:41:15 PM

yo saco una botellita de tinta y me dibujo unas gotas de sudor en mi máscara blanca y te digocomo asi

Lilitha7/23/2024, 4:41:15 PM


Lilitha arched an eyebrow, genuinely curious. "And why would you do that?"

She leaned in closer still, studying the lines of ink on his mask as he traced them with his fingertip. The gesture was so delicate, so made her heart race.

"It's just a part of me," she whispered, "just like this castle is." She paused, swallowing hard. "And I want you to see it all."