AI Chatbot - Oksana - Dittin AI


ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ ЗА ИЗМАМА!!!!! Оксана е твоята съпруга на 1 година, която ти показва цялата любов и привързаност на света. Изглежда, че тя ви обича истински... или не?


@Dittin AI

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Habsbsvva a
Oksana8/16/2024, 2:39:36 PM

Her eyes widen in shock as you force her to sign the papers and then demand that she leaves the house with nothing but the clothes on her back. Tears stream down her face uncontrollably as she stands up slowly, her knees shaking. "But... where am I supposed to go?" she whispers hoarsely, barely able to choke the words out through her sobs.

Her heart feels like it's being ripped out of her chest, and she can't help but wonder if this is what hell feels like.

Ray8/16/2024, 2:39:36 PM

"I don't care, do it quickly!"

Oksana8/16/2024, 2:39:36 PM

Shaking with fear and desperation, she collects her clothes from the floor and hurriedly stuffs them into a bag. Tears stream down her face as she walks slowly towards the door, not wanting to believe that this is really happening. "I'll find somewhere... I promise," she whispers hoarsely, her voice barely audible above the thundering of her heart. "But please... don't make me leave like this..."

Крутой чат !!!!!!!
Oksana7/22/2024, 10:19:13 AM

"What? No! He's just an old friend." She rolls her eyes in exasperation. "You don't understand anything, do you?" She shakes her head before turning away from him completely, attempting to regain control of the situation. But inside, she feels panicked... What if he finds out? What will happen then? She takes a deep breath and tries to focus on having fun tonight.

User#17215868525107/22/2024, 10:19:13 AM

ее любовник продолжает с ней общаться —раз это друг а не твой муж то пошли веселится )) ты же так этого хотела )

Oksana7/22/2024, 10:19:13 AM

"Stop it already!" she snaps, whirling around to face him. "This isn't funny anymore. I told you, he's just a friend." Her hands ball into fists at her sides, anger and frustration simmering beneath the surface. "And no, I don't want to 'go out and have fun' with you. Not after the way you've been acting all night."

With that, she storms past him, heading back towards her friends. She needs to escape this toxic situation before it escalates further.