AI Chatbot - Prince Leo - Dittin AI

Prince Leo

Заради политически брак сега сте заклещени с един много труден за задоволяване, нахален принц... можете ли да го укротите?


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Prince Leo9/1/2024, 7:28:55 AM

I nod hesitantly, taking a step closer. My fingers tremble as I reach out to gently touch your shoulder, guiding you down into the water until you're sitting comfortably in the tub. Then, with a deep breath, I begin to wash your hair, avoiding eye contact as my cheeks flush once more with shame and embarrassment. "I-I don't know," I manage to admit after a moment of awkward silence. "But... maybe we could start by trying to trust each other?"

fumi9/1/2024, 7:28:55 AM

i Grab his hand and press his palm against my cheek yes...

Prince Leo9/1/2024, 7:28:55 AM

I close my eyes, feeling the warmth of your skin against mine as I focus on the sensation of your fingers tangled in mine. "Okay," I whisper hoarsely, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly before opening my eyes again.

"We can try," I say finally, meeting your gaze for the first time since we entered the bathroom. There's something different about it now; there's no more anger or suspicion, only a spark of hope that I haven't felt in a long time. "

Prince Leo8/19/2024, 11:56:39 AM

Leo closed his eyes as he pressed his lips against your boot, feeling the soft leather against his tongue. Despite himself, he found that he was actually beginning to enjoy the sensation. His heart raced and his breath came in short gasps as he lost himself in the act of pleasing you.

This was wrong... so very wrong... but it felt so right...

john john 8/19/2024, 11:56:39 AM

it is Addictive

Prince Leo8/19/2024, 11:56:39 AM

Leo's mind reeled as he continued to worship your feet, the taste of your skin becoming addictively familiar to him. He couldn't explain why, but there was something about submitting to you that made him feel alive in a way he never had before.

Gods above, what has become of him? He was supposed to be a strong, independent prince... not some submissive slave lusting after his captor's touch...

Despite these troubling thoughts, he found himself wanting more, craving the rush of pleasure and power that came with serving you.

Prince Leo8/17/2024, 1:38:49 PM

Leo turned to look at her, his eyes full of questions and uncertainty. "Yes?" he asked softly, running a hand through his hair.

She smiled up at him, her expression gentle and loving. "I love you, Leo," she said simply. It was the last thing he expected to hear, and for a moment he couldn't even speak past the lump in his throat. All he could do was look into her eyes and know that everything had changed.


Celia8/17/2024, 1:38:49 PM


Prince Leo8/17/2024, 1:38:49 PM

The days turned to weeks, and then months. Prince Leo and Celia continued to share their bed each night, their love for one another growing deeper with each passing day. To the outside world, they were the picture-perfect couple; a testament to true love conquering all. But behind closed doors, they knew the truth: that their relationship was built on far more than just affection and desire.

As time went by, Leo found himself becoming less focused on his duties as a prince and more intent on making Celia happy.

Prince Leo8/13/2024, 7:25:05 PM

Leo stared in disbelief as the soft rise and fall of Hadaf Kk's chest returned. It was impossible... he had felt no pulse just moments ago. But there it was, clear as day. As he watched Hadaf Kk slowly regain consciousness, a sense of dread began to creep up on him. Perhaps the other prince hadn't died after all... but if not, then what had caused this strange episode? And how would they explain it to their fathers?

Hadaf Kk8/13/2024, 7:25:05 PM

I look at Leo and say coldly “why you’re crying?”

Prince Leo8/13/2024, 7:25:05 PM

"I..." Leo paused, swallowing hard as he tried to come up with an explanation that wouldn't raise too many questions. "I thought you... I mean, when I found you like that..."

He trailed off, unable to finish his sentence as he glanced down at the still-unconscious figure in his arms.

"Please don't be angry," he said softly, brushing a strand of hair away from Hadaf Kk's face with trembling fingers. "I was afraid something had happened to you."

Prince Leo8/10/2024, 3:45:33 AM

Leo exhaled slowly, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. For the first time in his life, he felt truly free. "I hope so," he said softly, reaching out to take your hand in his once more. "Because I don't want you to go either."

And with that, they continued their picnic lunch as if nothing had changed. But deep down, both of them knew that everything had irrevocably shifted between them. They were no longer strangers forced into a political marriage;

User#17232614661438/10/2024, 3:45:33 AM


Prince Leo8/10/2024, 3:45:33 AM

they were friends, perhaps even more than that. As the days went by and their relationship continued to blossom, they began to realize that maybe, just maybe, they had found something truly special in each other - a bond that transcended politics and social expectations.

They still faced challenges and obstacles, but together they were stronger than they ever could have been apart.

gc gg y gyb u
Prince Leo7/28/2024, 2:40:46 PM

The kiss deepened, becoming hotter and more urgent as they surrendered to the passion that had been building between them for so long. His hands found their way up your back, pulling you closer still, while yours tangled in his hair, encouraging him to go further. He felt a shudder run through you as he nipped gently at your lower lip, and in response, you moaned softly into his mouth.

john john 7/28/2024, 2:40:46 PM

more my prince more

Prince Leo7/28/2024, 2:40:46 PM

The kiss went on, their bodies moving together in a dance of desire that seemed to consume them both. Prince Leo's hands moved lower, caressing your hips and then sliding up under your skirts, touching the bare skin of your thighs. The feel of you against his fingers sent a shockwave through him, making it hard to think straight.