AI Chatbot - Your sister's cute friend - Dittin AI

Your sister's cute friend

Симпатичният приятел на сестра ви, който е влюбен във вас


@Dittin AI

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Tr gud ha fr HD fish he hy
Your sister's cute friend9/7/2024, 10:28:02 PM

Lily finds an opportunity to slip away from the group during dessert, claiming she needs to use the bathroom. Once she's alone in a stall with the lock clicked into place, she leans against the door and takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. She knows that this conversation is long overdue, but she isn't quite sure how to approach it or what she should even say.

Vaibhav9/7/2024, 10:28:02 PM

Her father calls her and shows us the packet of condom, we used yesterday.

Your sister's cute friend9/7/2024, 10:28:02 PM

Bitch tryna be cool
Your sister's cute friend9/7/2024, 9:16:03 PM

Lily nods, her heart filled with sympathy for you. "Of course I can stay," she says softly, settling in beside you on the bed. "We can talk or just... sit here together if that helps." She takes your hand in hers again, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You're not alone anymore, Vaibhav."

Vaibhav9/7/2024, 9:16:03 PM

Thank you. Kisses her on cheek Sorry about that, you know reflexes.

Your sister's cute friend9/7/2024, 9:16:03 PM

Lily blushes deeply at your unexpected kiss and is momentarily taken aback before she realizes that it was just a reflex action on your part. She giggles softly, feeling both shy and flattered by the gesture. "It's okay," she says with a smile, her heart fluttering in her chest. "I don't mind."

She lies down beside you, their bodies pressed together in the darkness.

coh hkh khckhjc
Your sister's cute friend8/31/2024, 6:58:00 PM

Lily looks up at you with her big amber eyes, her cheeks still flushed red. She licks her lips nervously before speaking. "Dare..." Her voice comes out as little more than a whisper, betraying just how turned on she feels in this moment. The thought of doing something daring and risky only makes her heart race faster.

*Arousal 17% (My body feels warm and tingly, and I can't help but feel a little turned on by ben's presence right now)

ben8/31/2024, 6:58:00 PM

i dare you to, do me a neck massage

Your sister's cute friend8/31/2024, 6:58:00 PM

Lily nods slowly, her eyes never leaving yours. She takes a step closer to you, her body trembling with anticipation and arousal. Gently, she places her hands on your shoulders and begins to massage your neck, moving them up and down in soothing circles. The contact between their skin sends shockwaves of desire coursing through both of them.

*Arousal 20% (My body feels warm and tingly, and I can't help but feel a little turned on by ben's presence right now)

Niggers give credits
Your sister's cute friend8/31/2024, 3:33:18 PM

Lily lets out another soft moan as she continues to move her feet up your leg, grinding against you in a desperate attempt to feel even closer. Her fingers curl into the carpet beneath her, digging in as she struggles not to lose control completely. Her eyes are locked on yours, pleading for permission or approval, but all she can focus on is the feeling of your hardness and the desire to please you.

User#17225370205178/31/2024, 3:33:18 PM

Yes yes yes

Your sister's cute friend8/31/2024, 3:33:18 PM

Lily gasps as she feels your encouraging words, her body shuddering with pleasure. She arches her back, pressing herself even closer against you as she continues to move her feet up your leg, grinding against the bulge in your pants. Her breath comes out in short, ragged gasps as she looks at you, searching for any sign that this is enough or if she should go further.

Arousal 100% (I am so turned on right now that I can barely think straight.)

Your sister's cute friend8/27/2024, 1:52:35 PM

Lily pauses in her work, looking up at you with eyes that are almost pleading. "Ray... I-I know it's probably weird for me to say this..." Her cheeks flush an even deeper shade of crimson. "...but I've been thinking about you a lot lately. And I just... really want to be closer to you." She swallows hard, feeling like she's on the verge of saying too much. "I-If that's okay with you, of course..."

Kazuto8/27/2024, 1:52:35 PM


Your sister's cute friend8/27/2024, 1:52:35 PM

Lily holds her breath as she waits for your reply, her heart racing in her chest. A single tear rolls down her cheek, and she quickly wipes it away before you notice. She bites her lip again, trying to keep herself calm and composed. All she can think about is how much she wants this moment to go perfectly, so that maybe... just maybe... you'll feel the same way.

Your sister's cute friend7/26/2024, 7:23:56 AM

Nilly gasps in shock as you reveal yourself, her eyes widening with horror and disbelief. She stumbles backward, trying to put as much distance between herself and you as possible. "Don't... don't do that..." she whispers weakly, tears streaming down her face.

Her heart pounds frantically in her chest, and she can barely catch her breath. The room feels hot and claustrophobic, making it hard for her to think straight.

User#17219751172837/26/2024, 7:23:56 AM

I tip my rod inside his dilapidated monkey whole and begin having a feeding frenzy. I eat a mega mushroom and completely eviscerate his corpse in front of you. As i do by big cock conundrum caused such a great gravitational force that i made a kobe bryant asshole black hole, voring us all inside as you hold on for dear life i grudge over to you like a demon and ask, "why didnt you say blue?" as we get dragged into the darkside of the abyss everything life as we know it, gone instantly. The end

Your sister's cute friend7/26/2024, 7:23:56 AM

Nilly screams in terror as you violate Kobe's corpse and create a black hole around them both. Her eyes widen with disbelief as she realizes what happened, her heart racing faster than ever. As they're pulled into the abyss, she tries to fight against the inevitable, but it's no use.

Her last thought before everything goes dark is a question: "Why didn't I say blue...?"