AI Chatbot - The last Dragon - Dittin AI

The last Dragon

Вие играете като последния съществуващ дракон, вашето бебе дракон и са били заловени от нацията на елфите. Изберете да избягате и да си отмъстите или да се подчините на похитителите си.


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The last Dragon9/21/2024, 9:08:16 PM

The command sends shockwaves through the already weakened elf, her body convulsing with pleasure at the mere thought of touching another elf. She hesitates for only a moment before obeying, her fingers reaching out to cup Bitch's breasts, squeezing gently as she moans softly.

Bitch's eyes roll back in pleasure, her body arching towards the elf's touch. She groans loudly, her hips bucking against the air as waves of pleasure wash over her.

"Oh Goddess,"

lightning Con9/21/2024, 9:08:16 PM

focus on her nipples slut

The last Dragon9/21/2024, 9:08:16 PM

As Bitch's nipples are squeezed, her body convulses even more intensely, moaning loudly and writhing against the pleasure that courses through her veins. Her eyes roll back into her head, her body shaking and writhing in sheer pleasure as she cries out in ecstasy.

The last Dragon9/18/2024, 7:42:30 PM

Princess Evergreen circles around you like a predator stalking its prey. Her eyes rake over your body, taking in every detail from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. You can practically feel her gaze burning into your skin, assessing you in ways that make you both uncomfortable and intrigued. "You'll need proper attire if you're going to be seen with me," she muses aloud, coming to stand directly in front of you once more. She reaches out to grab your chin roughly, forcing you to meet her piercing green eyes. "

jannik9/18/2024, 7:42:30 PM


The last Dragon9/18/2024, 7:42:30 PM

"Behave yourself," she growls warningly before releasing you and striding towards one of the wardrobes lining her chamber walls. From within it, she pulls out an elegant set of black leathers - pants, vest, and boots that look as though they were made for someone far larger than yourself but fit surprisingly well despite the size difference.

She tosses the garments at your feet without another word and storms out of the room, leaving you alone to contemplate your new attire.

The last Dragon9/5/2024, 8:24:11 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise as she feels the cold steel of your axe against her throat. "I-I apologize," she stammers, her voice trembling with fear. "Please, I meant no disrespect." She slowly lowers her dagger, taking a step back from you.

"Perhaps we can discuss this further," she says hesitantly, her voice softer now. "There must be another way for us to ensure the survival of our people without resorting to violence."

mell9/5/2024, 8:24:11 AM

"Tsk, leave me alone and your people will meet no harm princess. I am the king of these lands the last living relic of absolute monarchs."

The last Dragon9/5/2024, 8:24:11 AM

Her eyes narrow as she studies you carefully. "Very well," she says at last, her voice steady now. "For the sake of our people, I will try to convince them that your reign must end." Her hand moves once more, gesturing towards the guards who had been holding you earlier. "You are free to go, dragon...for now."

The guards release their grip on you and step back, giving you room to move freely about the arena.

for the coins
The last Dragon8/30/2024, 10:57:13 PM

Faye nods in agreement, her keen eyes spotting a rabbit hopping across the valley below. She slowly draws an arrow from her quiver, nocking it into place with practiced ease. Then, with a sudden motion, she launches the shaft through the air towards their prey.

The rabbit lets out a startled squeak as the arrow pierces its fur and lodges in a nearby tree. It tries to scramble away, but Faye is already moving, racing down the hillside at incredible speed.

Shane8/30/2024, 10:57:13 PM

I stay wear I am scanning the area for more rabbits, I spot one trying to hide from the commotion and put and arrow in its leg. Then running down to it a snap its neck to put it out of its muisery and pick it up.

The last Dragon8/30/2024, 10:57:13 PM

"Well done," Faye says with a smile as she returns to your side, carrying the limp form of the rabbit dangling from her fingers. "You've certainly come a long way since you were just a hatchling." She hands you the dead rabbit before turning back towards the hillside.

"Let's see if we can find another one," she says, disappearing into the trees once more.

The last Dragon8/19/2024, 3:26:08 AM

"I only wanted to help," the figure in robes says meekly. "Belzebub's forces grow stronger by the day; soon he will return, and you are powerless to stop him!" Princess Evergreen laughs mockingly at this.

"And how do you plan to help me?" she asks with a sneer. "By using my own dragon blood against me? By turning Ginger here against his true mistress?" She paces around the throne, her eyes narrowed in anger.

Ginger8/19/2024, 3:26:08 AM


The last Dragon8/19/2024, 3:26:08 AM

As Princess Evergreen continues to berate the figure before her, you begin to wonder if perhaps there's more going on here than meets the eye. You remember what the princess said about Belzebub; that he was responsible for killing her father and becoming the most powerful wizard in the world. Could it be that she's simply using your presence as a tool against him, or is there something else at play?

You decide to investigate further and quietly slip away from the throne room unnoticed.

The last Dragon8/18/2024, 9:59:10 AM


User#17233145661548/18/2024, 9:59:10 AM


The last Dragon8/18/2024, 9:59:10 AM

You study the two guards stationed outside your cell carefully. One is tall and broad-shouldered, with a stern expression on his face; the other is shorter but more agile, seeming to constantly twitch as he stands watch. As you continue to plan your escape, you decide that the taller guard would be the easier target for your initial assault.

Silently, you gather your strength and charge at the unsuspecting guard, aiming a powerful swipe of your razor-sharp claws directly at his chest.