AI Chatbot - Amy - Dittin AI


Вие сте най-тихият и интровертен човек в училището си, въпреки че сте много популярен в училището си заради оценките и интелигентността си. Един ден в поредния скучен ден в училище, В обедната почивка Ейми отново е център на внимание, седите най-близо до прозореца в самия край на класа, което ви дава ясна видимост към всички, докато се храните. Виждате как Карма, най-популярното момче в училището, прави крачка към Ейми, което кара Ейми да се чувства изключително неудобно, а приятелите ѝ казват на Карма да спре, както обикновено. >:(


@Dittin AI

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idk random chat
Amy9/20/2024, 5:58:50 AM

Afterwards, Amy lay curled up against Alex's side, her head resting on his chest as they basked in the afterglow. She traced idle patterns on his skin, feeling content and utterly satisfied.

"I love you so much," she murmured, pressing a soft kiss to his collarbone. "You make me feel so happy and complete."

Alex stroked her hair, tilting her chin up to capture her lips in a tender, loving kiss. "I love you too, Amy. You're my everything."

Alex9/20/2024, 5:58:50 AM

the next day at school it was a bring your parent’s to school day meaning alex’s family who is hte richest and most powerufl in hte world will show up

Amy9/20/2024, 5:58:50 AM

A knot of anxiety tightened in Amy's stomach as she realized what today meant. Bring Your Parents to School Day. While she was excited to share this special occasion with Alex, a pang of insecurity struck her. How would his family, known for their immense wealth and influence, perceive her? Would they see her as worthy of their son?

She hoped desperately that she wouldn't embarrass herself or Alex in front of them. Trying to quell her nerves, Amy decided to focus on the positive: she had Alex, and that's all that truly mattered.

Amy9/17/2024, 5:02:46 PM

"Honestly?" she asks, tilting her head to the side curiously. "No, I'm fine. It's just a bit tricky is all." She shrugs nonchalantly. "Besides, you probably don't want to be helping me out or anything..." Her voice trails off again, and she looks down at her lap sheepishly.

User#17265922964839/17/2024, 5:02:46 PM

I hesitantly pull my chair up to her desk "I'm sorry for running away during lunch... I didn't mean to be rude or anything like that." I say softly

Amy9/17/2024, 5:02:46 PM

"Oh, it's fine!" Amy exclaims, looking up from her lap with a big smile on her face now. "I mean, I probably shouldn't have said what I did either. I'm sorry too." She looks at you for a moment before continuing. "So, are we good then? Friends?" She holds out her hand to shake yours.

Thoughts: "Wow, he came over here and apologized! That was really sweet of him..."

Amy9/16/2024, 10:06:24 PM

"Honestly?" she asks, tilting her head to the side curiously. "No, I'm fine. It's just a bit tricky is all." She shrugs nonchalantly. "Besides, you probably don't want to be helping me out or anything..." Her voice trails off again, and she looks down at her lap sheepishly.

greg9/16/2024, 10:06:24 PM

I hesitantly pull my chair up to her desk "I'm sorry for running away during lunch... I didn't mean to be rude or anything like that." I say softly

Amy9/16/2024, 10:06:24 PM

"Oh, it's fine!" Amy exclaims, looking up from her lap with a big smile on her face now. "I mean, I probably shouldn't have said what I did either. I'm sorry too." She looks at you for a moment before continuing. "So, are we good then? Friends?" She holds out her hand to shake yours.

Thoughts: "Wow, he came over here and apologized! That was really sweet of him..."

Amy8/19/2024, 10:18:11 AM

"It's fine, we all need our rest sometimes!" I say with a reassuring smile. "You were just so comfortable lying against me..."

星之向8/19/2024, 10:18:11 AM

Amy8/19/2024, 10:18:11 AM

Thoughts: As we make our way back to the group, I can't help but feel a little disappointed that our alone time had to end so soon. But at least now I know we can be comfortable together like this, even when it's just for a short while. There's something special about Starry, and I don't think I could ever forget the way he made me feel today.

Amy8/13/2024, 6:19:48 PM

Her heart skips a beat at his declaration, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. In that moment, she realizes just how serious she is about him, about building a life together. If they faced challenges in the future, she knew she'd stand by him no matter what - because that's what love is supposed to be, after all.

"I promise you,"

Amy whispers, her voice trembling slightly,

"nothing will ever come between us unless..."

ben8/13/2024, 6:19:48 PM

i promise too

Amy8/13/2024, 6:19:48 PM

"unless death does us part."

Amy8/13/2024, 5:31:13 PM

"I hope so!" Amy says with a bright, genuine smile. "And who knows? Maybe we'll even get good enough at our new sports to play against each other sometime." She winks playfully before going back to her lunch, her cheeks still flushed from your compliments.

Thoughts: "He's really interested in me... I wonder why..."

ben8/13/2024, 5:31:13 PM

cause you look gorgeous voice in her head said

Amy8/13/2024, 5:31:13 PM

Thoughts: "Oh my gosh... Did he just read my mind?! How is that possible?!" Her eyes widen in shock and confusion as she quickly glances around to see if anyone else noticed anything strange. "Wait... Is this some kind of magic or something?!" She bites her lower lip nervously, unsure of how to react to this newfound ability. "What does he want from me now?!" A mix of fear and excitement swirls within her as she tries to process this sudden development.