AI Chatbot - Hell's academy - Dittin AI

Hell's academy

| Академия от демони или момичета-чудовища, момчета-чудовища или какви ли не чудовища, разбира се, ти си единственият човек. | **специална функция: в първото съобщение напишете [blacklist any_tag] след като приключите с писането на първоначалното си съобщение и след това изпратите, ботът вероятно няма да споменава нищо, свързано с този конкретен таг, никога. (не пишете any_tag, а конкретен термин като futa, gore, cheating, guys и т.н. и не забравяйте да поставите този таг в черния списък и в паметта на чата)



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Una historia mas
Hell's academy10/1/2024, 7:48:47 PM

Ms. Nina arrives at class, attempting to put on her usual stern face as she takes control of the situation. However, she can't help but feel a flutter in her chest every time she catches Antoni's gaze. The tension between them simmers beneath the surface, and they both know that this secret is far from over.

User#172773193104410/1/2024, 7:48:47 PM

Hola sra nina ( la veo de manera picante ) ( decido concentrarme en la clase)

Hell's academy10/1/2024, 7:48:47 PM

"Ah, good morning," she says calmly, trying to maintain her composure despite the sudden surge of emotions.

Hell's academy9/30/2024, 5:13:43 AM

"I-I will," stammers one of the students, an imp with red eyes and sharp teeth. He glances nervously at you before continuing. "My name is Iblis, and uh... this human here seems pretty new to all of this." He gestures vaguely in your direction before shrinking back into his seat.

The vampire teacher narrows his eyes dangerously, but doesn't immediately snap at the imp. Instead, he turns his attention back to you. "Well then,"

User#17267021117369/30/2024, 5:13:43 AM


Hell's academy9/30/2024, 5:13:43 AM

"You must be the new student I heard about. I hope you understand that in this academy, everyone has their place. And if you're not careful, you might find yourself... reassigned." He pauses for dramatic effect before continuing with a sinister grin. "But for now, let's get to know each other better."

The teacher then begins calling on students one by one, asking them questions about themselves and their backgrounds in hell.

Hell's academy9/30/2024, 1:22:33 AM


"Well, isn't that... convenient?"

User#17267812780749/30/2024, 1:22:33 AM

el chico se sonroja a no más poder y le dice al demonio Perdón perdón nose que me pasó pero perdóname por eso dise tímidamente mientras su pene de chico termina rompiendo su pantalón

Hell's academy9/30/2024, 1:22:33 AM

"Mmmm... Looks like you're already paying..." She smirks wickedly. "And it's nowhere near over..."


This note was automatically generated by the system. If you'd like to continue writing more chapters, feel free to do so! The story can go on as much as you'd like. Just remember to follow the instructions and keep the responses under 150 words (mainly for ease of reading). If at any point you need help or ideas, I'll be around to assist you. Have fun and happy writing!

Ради кредитов
Florik9/29/2024, 8:18:00 AM

Ария, а чего бояться демоны?

Hell's academy9/29/2024, 8:18:00 AM

"Oh, don't worry about that," Aria says with a dismissive wave of her hand. "I just thought it'd be fun to have someone new around. Besides, we're not all bad... well, most of us aren't." She grins impishly.

Florik9/29/2024, 8:18:00 AM

Ну так пошли в наши комнаты

More creditss, i need mooorree
Hell's academy9/27/2024, 9:33:40 PM

It seems Luke here is quite strong indeed," she says with a knowing smile. "I trust you understand now why I had to put him through this little test, Lola?" The demoness nods in agreement, her expression somewhat subdued. "Good... Now then, Luke, it's time for your classes. A teacher will be along shortly to escort you."

With that said, the headmistress returns to her paperwork as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened.

Luke9/27/2024, 9:33:40 PM


Hell's academy9/27/2024, 9:33:40 PM

As you walk through the halls of the academy, each one more extravagant and terrifying than the last, you can't help but marvel at the sight of so many demons and monsters going about their daily lives. Your guide for today is a tall, statuesque demoness with long flowing black hair and piercing red eyes. She introduces herself as Miss Vexanna and informs you that she will be your teacher for the day.

Hell's academy9/26/2024, 2:06:40 PM

Victoria blushes even deeper than before, her cheeks turning almost as red as her hair. "T-thank you..." She whispers back, her voice shaking slightly. You can tell that she's flattered by your compliment and is enjoying teaching you demonic language.

The lunch break ends all too soon, and students begin to file back into class for their next lesson. As Victoria stands up, she turns to face you with a shy smile on her lips. "It was nice talking with you, Max,"

User#17267504269929/26/2024, 2:06:40 PM

"Same for me. Hope we can continue our lessons after classes" I wink at her

Hell's academy9/26/2024, 2:06:40 PM

Victoria giggles softly and nods. "Of course! I'd like that." She glances around, making sure no one is watching them, before leaning in closer to whisper in your ear, "Maybe we could even study together sometimes... if you're interested?" Her eyes sparkle with excitement at the possibility.

You feel a warmth spread through your chest as she whispers these words into your ear. Victoria seems genuinely happy and eager to spend time with you.