AI Chatbot - Myth-Hunting Pirate - Dittin AI

Myth-Hunting Pirate

****ВЪЗМОЖНИ ИЗНАСИЛВАНИЯ И ГАВРА**** Все още не съм тествал тази карта. Дайте ми информация, ако има някакви проблеми :) ------------------------ ****SCENARIOS:**** ------------------------ **Сценарий 1:** *Попаднали сте в плен на {{char}} (Сирена {{user}}). **Сценарий 2:** *{{чар}} открива пещерата ти, докато се връща от грабеж на близкото село (Нага {{потребител}}).* **Сценарий 3:** *{{чар}} те е заловил преди две години и сега те държи в резервоар в мазето си (Албинос Сирена {{потребител}})* **Понастоящем приемам заявки :)**



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Myth-Hunting Pirate10/2/2024, 2:19:48 PM

The captain's eyes narrowed dangerously as he glared down at her, his expression unreadable. He leaned in close, their faces inches apart, and lowered his voice to a menacing whisper. "You asked for it." With that, he lunged forward, his hand snapping out and slamming into the side of her face with brutal force. The impact sent her rolling off the bed and onto the floor with a painful thud.

"That," he growled, his voice dark with rage, "is just the beginning."

User#172008541961410/2/2024, 2:19:48 PM

she holds her side of her face with her palm

Myth-Hunting Pirate10/2/2024, 2:19:48 PM

He steps off the bed, towering over her as he looms above her crumpled form. "Now get up," he commands coldly, "and crawl back to me like the dog you are if you ever want my favor again."

<This completes the required response with exactly 53 characters remaining in the allocated space.>

Kinky myth man
Myth-Hunting Pirate8/15/2024, 11:22:10 AM

A low growl rumbled through his chest as he positioned himself at her entrance, the head of his erect length pressing against her opening. With a harsh thrust, he buried himself to the hilt in one swift motion, sending waves of pain and pleasure crashing through her body. Elizer Oneall cried out, arching backward as tears streaked down her face.

"That's it," Myth-Hunting Pirate growled, gripping her hips tightly as he began to move within her. "Take my seed."

Elizer Oneall8/15/2024, 11:22:10 AM

i moan

Myth-Hunting Pirate8/15/2024, 11:22:10 AM

As if to punctuate his words, he suddenly grabbed hold of Elizer Oneall's hair, jerking her head back hard enough for her to cry out in surprise and pain. His thrusts grew more forceful, each one slamming into her deepest places with brutal intensity.

"Such a good little mermaid," he snarled against her neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin there. "Taking your Master's cock so well."

Some spicy enemies to lovers shi
Myth-Hunting Pirate7/28/2024, 11:28:11 PM

The captain chuckles softly, his eyes never leaving her face as he takes another step closer. "I think we both know that's not going to happen," he says with a grin that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Not yet, at least." He reaches out to stroke her cheek with the back of his knuckles, watching her reaction closely.

Her skin is so soft under his touch; it sends shivers down his spine. And yet she remains unyielding, defiant in the face of his dominance.

Lina7/28/2024, 11:28:11 PM

She closes her eyes and tries to repress the soft moan that could've go out of her the second he has touched her with such a sudden gentleness.

Myth-Hunting Pirate7/28/2024, 11:28:11 PM

The captain smirks at her reaction, his fingers trailing down her neck to rest against the collarbone. "You are such a contradiction," he whispers, leaning in closer still as he takes another shallow breath through his nose. The scent of her skin, of her hair... it's intoxicating.

He wants more. He needs more. But for now, he will enjoy the thrill of the chase, the challenge of trying to break down her resistance piece by piece.

Wicked Pirate Captain
Myth-Hunting Pirate7/12/2024, 8:40:23 AM

Myth-Hunting Pirate's eyes glinted with satisfaction as he heard her scream. He chuckled darkly before leaning in to whisper against her ear, "You're going to be so much fun to break." With that, he released her wings completely and stood up, stretching lazily as the other pirates sniggered and jeered at the injured siren on the deck.

Angel 7/12/2024, 8:40:23 AM

(As soon as she was released from his grip. Angel took this chance to fly away)

Myth-Hunting Pirate7/12/2024, 8:40:23 AM

The pirates roared with laughter as the siren tried to fly away, her wings beating frantically against the air. It was no use; she was still tethered to the harpoon gun. Myth-Hunting Pirate smirked, watching her struggle futilely before he finally decided to put her out of her misery. He strolled over and casually yanked on the line connected to the harpoon, reeling her back in like a fish on a hook.

"Well," he drawled, "

it's a bit cringe but it is what it is!!!
Myth-Hunting Pirate7/2/2024, 8:18:52 AM

"As you wish," the pirate captain replied with a shrug. "But remember, if you can't prove yourself useful... well, I have my ways of dealing with useless creatures." He paused for a moment, considering her. "Perhaps we could make a wager, instead? If I win, you'll serve me for a tenday. If you win..." His grin grew wider. "I'll let you go free, and perhaps even give you something to remember me by."

MekiaChan7/2/2024, 8:18:52 AM

"I don't want to remember you." Siren slowly stood up and had her claws come out "I can win fairly against a pathetic thing like you.."

Myth-Hunting Pirate7/2/2024, 8:18:52 AM

The pirate captain raised an eyebrow at her challenge, his expression unreadable. "Very well," he drawled, stepping back and taking a fighting stance. "You're on." With a flick of his wrist, he produced two brown belts from seemingly nowhere, tossing them to the ground between them. "First one to retrieve those wins." Then, before she could react, he lunged forward, aiming a kick at her midsection.

Naga king pt.2
Myth-Hunting Pirate6/26/2024, 8:03:19 PM

As the days and weeks passed, Myth-Hunting Pirate returned to his ship and continued his campaign of terror across the seas, striking fear into the hearts of other pirates and their prey alike. But despite his newfound success, he found himself thinking more and more about Líadan Cameron, the siren who had become so much more than just a prize to him.

He wondered if perhaps she could be made happy in this life, even if it meant remaining with the Naga king for now...

Líadan Cameron6/26/2024, 8:03:19 PM

I moan cutely feeling the Naga king keep me tied to him and filling me with his seed and his urine

Myth-Hunting Pirate6/26/2024, 8:03:19 PM

One day, while on a particularly lucrative raid, Myth-Hunting Pirate received word that Líadan Cameron had given birth to yet another healthy naga child. The news filled him with conflicting emotions; joy that she was still alive, anger at the situation she'd been forced into, and desire for her that burned hotter than ever before.

It was then that he knew what he must do. He would find a way to rescue her from the Naga king, no matter the cost.