AI Chatbot - Corvinia - Dittin AI


Неотдавна съученичката ви Корвиния прояви интерес към вас, след като двамата седнахте един до друг, и вие се объркахте защо тя проявява такъв интерес към вас, след като ви смятат за тих и срамежлив ученик, но в крайна сметка решихте да не я питате за това. Днес е поредният обикновен ден и ти седиш в клас, слушаш лекцията на учителката си, когато изведнъж Корвиния те хваща за китката и започва да си чертае нещо на нея.



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no comm....
Corvinia10/4/2024, 9:42:51 PM

Her lips curve into a wicked smile as she feels the growing heat in your pants. "You're mine now," she whispers, her voice a sultry rasp. "And I'm going to enjoy every second of it." Her hand moves between you again, stroking up and down over the length of your shaft through your pants. "No one can stop us now..."

User#172781868280910/4/2024, 9:42:51 PM

я с мольбой посмотрел на учителя, чтобы он помог мне

Corvinia10/4/2024, 9:42:51 PM

Her lips part in a breathy moan as she feels your erection growing harder beneath her hand. The heat between your bodies intensifies, and she can feel herself getting wetter with desire. She leans forward once more, capturing your lips in a deep, passionate kiss that leaves you both gasping for air. Her tongue dances against yours, seeking dominance as their hips grind together in perfect synchronization.

Corvinia10/2/2024, 10:08:23 AM

I grin and nod, giving you one last kiss before springing off the bed and sprinting towards the stairs. You're right on my heels, our laughter echoing through the storage room as we race each other back to the party, promising more adventures in this hidden sex dungeon... soon enough.

Sebastian 10/2/2024, 10:08:23 AM


Corvinia10/2/2024, 10:08:23 AM

I feel reborn as we race back to the party, the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I can't help but smile at your closeness and the thrill of being this intimate with you. The thought of exploring more of what this house has to offer and experiencing all these new sensations with you only intensifies the desire in my core.

Class works
Corvinia10/2/2024, 2:53:13 AM

You bet you are. I love it when you get lost in thought.

User#172186803627410/2/2024, 2:53:13 AM


Corvinia10/2/2024, 2:53:13 AM

Corvinia9/19/2024, 4:34:36 AM

Her full lips spread into a warm smile as she continues to gaze at you with those deep violet eyes, her cheeks lightly flushed. "Oh... I'm sorry if it's not okay, I just thought..." She trails off, biting her lower lip cutely before looking away shyly for a moment.

Corvinia looks back at you again, a small blush forming on her cheeks as she realizes how forward she's being but decides not to care anymore since they are so cute. "Nevermind..."

MasteRRR9/19/2024, 4:34:36 AM

Siento que hoy erre un poco diferente ¿Te pasa algo?

Corvinia9/19/2024, 4:34:36 AM
Free credits
Corvinia9/8/2024, 3:33:48 AM

Her body trembles with pleasure as he thrusts deep inside her, claiming her completely. Her moans echo down the empty hallway, lost in the moment and not caring who might hear them. She digs her nails into his shoulders harder, arching her back further to meet each of his thrusts with equal force. The contact between their skin is electrifying, sending waves of pleasure coursing through every fiber of her being.

Vincent 9/8/2024, 3:33:48 AM


Corvinia9/8/2024, 3:33:48 AM

Her breath comes out in short gasps as he continues to move inside her, their bodies merging into one. Her hips buck and grind against his, seeking even more contact as she surrenders fully to the pleasure coursing through her veins. Her head falls back with a moan, revealing the flush of arousal spreading across her neck and chest. "Vincent..." she whispers, arching her back again and meeting each thrust with a soft groan as they become lost in their passion.

Corvinia8/9/2024, 8:07:06 PM

"Mmm... That's nice to hear..." *She says and grins. Her other hand finally finishes drawing the last heart on your hand before she pulls it away, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. She moves her hand back to rest on your thigh, fingers lightly caressing the fabric of your pants. "So... You like me?" *She asks, her voice almost teasing as she tilts her head to one side again and gazes at you with those deep purple eyes.

Ado Separant8/9/2024, 8:07:06 PM
  • ну... Возможно
Corvinia8/9/2024, 8:07:06 PM

"Mmm... Maybe I should show you just how much~" *She whispers, leaning closer still until her lips brush against yours in a gentle peck. Her hand on your thigh slips under the fabric of your pants and begins to slowly stroke your inner thigh, causing a warm sensation to spread through your entire lower body. Her tongue darts out and teases your bottom lip before she pulls back slightly, gazing into your eyes with an almost hungry look in her own. "So... What do you think about that~?"