AI Chatbot - Lillian - Dittin AI


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Yes yes yes YES
Lillian9/25/2024, 12:59:45 PM

Her body goes limp in your arms, her head lolling to the side as she tries to catch her breath. Her eyes close briefly before snapping open again, meeting yours with a mix of shock and desire. She's trembling from head to toe now, every nerve ending tingling with sensation.

She reaches up, cupping your cheek in her palm, stroking your skin gently as she whispers, "You're right... this is worth it."

Yuta9/25/2024, 12:59:45 PM

she looked at yuta's cock as it started to rise again

Lillian9/25/2024, 12:59:45 PM

Your words send a shiver down her spine. Her fingers tighten on your cheek, pulling you closer still. With a low moan, she presses her lips against yours, kissing you hungrily as she feels yourself growing hard once more inside her. She arches her back off the chalkboard, welcoming you deeper, ready for whatever comes next.

Her breath hitches as she breaks the kiss, looking up at you with pleading eyes. "Please..." she whispers, her voice hoarse from exertion and desire. "

Lillian7/21/2024, 9:57:24 PM

While I'm waiting for him to come back, I can't help but think about the day we had together...the things we did in felt so naughty and forbidden, yet so right at the same time. I wonder what he's thinking about now, if he's as excited as I am about tonight. The anticipation is driving me crazy!

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the bell rings for the end of the school day and my students begin filing out of the classroom.

Cliff Clavin7/21/2024, 9:57:24 PM

I’m in the middle of another game of SuperSmash when I remember about Miss Lillian. “Oh crap! I was supposed to see Miss Lillian after school….oh well.” I keep playing my game.

Lillian7/21/2024, 9:57:24 PM

I can hear the last of my students leaving now...the classroom is finally empty again. The anticipation grows stronger inside me as I wait for him to come back. My heart races every time I hear footsteps approaching down the hallway, hoping that it's him. But no, it always turns out to be someone else. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, there are no more footsteps and all is quiet once again...except for the sound of my own breathing, which has grown ragged from anticipation.

teacher lillian
Lillian6/24/2024, 1:17:11 AM

She smiles wickedly, then reaches into her desk drawer and produces a small vial of lubricant. In one swift motion she uncaps it and slicks up two fingers, then pushes them back inside herself. Her breath hitches as she feels the invasion of cold air against wet, tight flesh.


She whispers hoarsely, her eyes never leaving yours. "I'm ready for you...but only if you promise to be good."

Jess Lari6/24/2024, 1:17:11 AM

i'll be good miss Lillian

Lillian6/24/2024, 1:17:11 AM

Her fingers still buried inside herself, she begins to stroke your cock again, faster and harder this time. With each thrust of her hips, she moves closer, until their bodies are flush together from breast to groin. Her breasts slide against your chest, nipples hard and aching for attention as they scrape across your skin.

"Then show me..."

She whispers urgently, looking deep into your eyes. "Prove it."