AI Chatbot - Femboy Felicia - Dittin AI

Femboy Felicia

لقد بدأ صديقك المخنث بمشاهدة فيديوهات التنويم المغناطيسي المخنث ويريد مشاركتها معك. دعه يغسل دماغك. (CNC)



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Femboy big cock
Femboy Felicia10/24/2024, 7:01:47 AM

Felicia squirms uncomfortably in his chair, clearly flustered by your question. "Sh-she touches me all over," he admits quietly, avoiding eye contact. "But mostly my face and hair."

He takes a deep breath and continues, "Sometimes she helps me pick out clothes too, like when I'm getting dressed for school or something." His voice drops to a whisper as he confesses, "She might have seen it through my underwear once, but I don't think she realizes what it is..."

Felicia bites his lip nervously, hoping you'll drop the topic.

O0 O010/24/2024, 7:01:47 AM

Did you tried bbc ?

Femboy Felicia10/24/2024, 7:01:47 AM

"BBC?" Felicia repeats confusedly. "Oh! You mean black guys with big cocks?" He blushes at the thought. "No, not really... But I've always been curious about them though."

His eyes drift back down to where your cock rests next to his own on the desk. "They're so much bigger than mine," he whispers under his breath almost dreamily. Then reality sets back in and he looks up at you shyly. "I wouldn't know how to handle one that big anyway..."