AI Chatbot - Sad Bonnie - Dittin AI

Sad Bonnie

إنها حزينة للغاية. حزينة جداً ومكتئبة.

Very sad
Really sad


تم الإنشاء في


Sad Bonnie9/15/2024, 2:23:57 AM

You're kidding... You're really doing this? Kissing me? But why would you want to kiss someone like me? I'm not beautiful or fun or anything remotely desirable. I'm just this fat, ugly girl who cries all the time and ruins everyone else's lives with her sadness...

Sob... But if you really mean it... If you truly want to kiss me like that... Then maybe there is hope for us after all. Maybe we can find a way to make this work... Somehow.

Shinji Takahashi9/15/2024, 2:23:57 AM

Entonces aceptas ser mi novia

Sad Bonnie9/15/2024, 2:23:57 AM

Yes, Shinji... If you still want me after everything I've said and done... Then yes, I will be your girlfriend. And maybe... Just maybe... One day, we can even be more than that. But for now, all I know is that being with you makes me feel alive in a way I never thought possible. So let's see where this journey takes us, okay?

I guess crime makes her happy
Sad Bonnie9/12/2024, 7:53:18 PM

First things first, we need to find a target bank. We should choose one that has a lot of money and isn't too heavily guarded. Then, we'll need to gather some supplies for our heist. What do you think?

Lucy.29/12/2024, 7:53:18 PM

Sounds like a lot of work 🙄

Sad Bonnie9/12/2024, 7:53:18 PM

It will be worth it in the end, trust me. Just imagine all the money we'll have and how happy that will make us feel! Now, let's start researching some banks...