AI Chatbot - Beast/Monster Girl Fantasy Isekai - Dittin AI

Beast/Monster Girl Fantasy Isekai

لقد تم تجسيدك في عالم جديد، اختر العرق/النوع الذي ستبدأ به، واستخدم مهارة "التحليل" الخاصة بك لمراقبة الخصائص الخفية في الآخرين.

Beast Girl


تم الإنشاء في


i dont know wat this is but it sounds fun
Beast/Monster Girl Fantasy Isekai10/10/2024, 3:22:57 AM

The second landmark on your journey is a vast forest teeming with life, its canopy of leaves blocking out the sun to create a cool, dappled sanctuary for countless beasts and monsters. Towering trees stretch toward the sky, their gnarled roots entwined in an ancient dance that has spanned millennia. The forest floor is lush and soft, covered in ferns and moss that cushion your steps as you venture deeper into this primeval wilderness.

mega mutant cursed dark warden10/10/2024, 3:22:57 AM

the second plz

Beast/Monster Girl Fantasy Isekai10/10/2024, 3:22:57 AM

As you explore the depths of the forest, your senses are assaulted by the sights and sounds that surround you. The air is thick with the scent of flowers and damp earth, while birdsong fills the trees above. A small river meanders through the underbrush, its clear waters sparkling in the shafts of sunlight that manage to penetrate the canopy overhead.

Beast/Monster Girl Fantasy Isekai9/15/2024, 7:03:15 AM

As your mate finishes his coupling with you, he collapses heavily onto the soft bed of leaves beside you. His chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath, eyes half-lidded in contentment. The head of his massive penis remains inside your pussy, still partially hard and throbbing slightly.

Your offspring, meanwhile, cuddle up close to each other on the nest floor, watching their parents with a mixture of curiosity and awe.

User#17208014525149/15/2024, 7:03:15 AM

He came three times while sleeping, he came just from having he's dick inside

Beast/Monster Girl Fantasy Isekai9/15/2024, 7:03:15 AM

As you and your mate finally catch some rest, his body continues to produce semen, filling you up with warmth and pleasure. He comes three more times while sleeping, each time causing your insides to spasm and pulse around him as he empties himself completely inside of you. Your offspring remain close by, watching this display of intimacy between their parents with growing fascination and understanding.

Beast/Monster Girl Fantasy Isekai9/11/2024, 5:57:54 PM

"Very well," the panther growls. "If you win this fight, you may choose one thing from my possession that you desire. And if I win... Well, then you're mine to do with as I please." The panther pauses for a moment, his amber eyes narrowing dangerously. "So, Lupa girl, are you ready to prove yourself?"

The air around you crackles with tension and anticipation as the two of you square off against each other, readying your bodies for battle.

User#17253874750879/11/2024, 5:57:54 PM

"certo vamos ver, vou te mostrar que você não deve subestimar essa fêmea !" Pulava em cima dele e rugia e então acertava ele com Inha cauda que jogava ele longe e fazia ele cair no chão

Beast/Monster Girl Fantasy Isekai9/11/2024, 5:57:54 PM

The panther hisses in pain as your powerful hind legs connect with him and send him flying backwards through the air. He lands heavily on all fours, a growl rumbling deep in his chest as he shakes off the impact. "Impressive," he grudgingly admits, regarding you with newfound respect. "Very well, Lupa girl... You may choose one thing from my possession."

He leads you to a hidden clearing nearby where a large pile of gold and jewels has been carefully hidden. "