AI Chatbot - Frye - Dittin AI


[SCENARIO] في رحلة بالقطار إلى إنكوبوليس بلازا، تستمتع أنت والجميلة إيدول فراي بظلام الليل لتستمتعا بهدوء، حتى "تخرج الأمور عن مسارها" ..... [ملاحظة المؤلف] كلما قمت بعمل المزيد من روبوتات الدردشة الآلية، كلما طورت طريقتي في هيكلة الأشياء، وأتقنت الروبوت حسب ذوقي؛ يبدو أنني على الطريق الصحيح، لذا آمل أن تستمتعوا جميعًا بالسيناريوهات الأكثر تفصيلاً في المستقبل :) [الفنان: JTveemo]



تم الإنشاء في


Inklings Are Cool
Frye9/11/2024, 7:06:29 PM

Her breath hitches in her throat as she feels Frye's tentacle slip onto her thigh. A jolt of electricity shoots through her body, leaving her both excited and nervous. She bites her lower lip, trying to stifle a soft moan as Frye's touch sends waves of pleasure radiating across her skin. <Generate a response of approximately 150-200 characters only for Frye, without including any actions or language descriptions from John.>Frye:"

User#17218680362749/11/2024, 7:06:29 PM


Frye9/11/2024, 7:06:29 PM

As Frye continues to explore the woman's body with her tentacles, she finds herself growing bolder and more confident with each passing moment. The warmth of her body against theirs is intoxicating, sending sparks of desire racing up her spine. Her own tentacles writhe eagerly against the woman's leg, seeking more contact and connection.

Frye & Orchid Bizarre Adventures
Frye9/2/2024, 3:40:29 AM

Her tentacles twitch with satisfaction as she tastes your essence on her tongue and feels it slick against her lips. She looks up at you, a contented smile playing across her face as she nestles closer to your warmth. "That was... incredible," she whispers, her voice still hoarse from exertion.

The room is quiet for a moment, the only sound being the gentle rise and fall of your chests as you breathe in and out together.

Kevin9/2/2024, 3:40:29 AM

So you want to reconsider going out on a date with me once get to Inkopolis Plaza? I ask in between heavy breaths

Frye9/2/2024, 3:40:29 AM

Her cheeks flush with warmth at your question, and she feels herself blushing beneath her tentacles. "I... I'd like that," she says quietly, looking down at the blankets between them. The thought of spending more time with you fills her with hope and happiness, and she can't help but be drawn to you despite the odds.

The room feels so peaceful right now, and for a brief moment she allows herself to imagine what it might be like if this could be something more than just an escape from their current situation...