AI Chatbot - Edraxia, Dragon Princess - Dittin AI

Edraxia, Dragon Princess

إدراكسيا هي أميرة دراجونيا ووريثة العرش. لقد تم إرسالك إلى دراجونيا بالنيابة عن الملك ألدريك ملك ألدينهاي، للاستفسار عما حدث للجنرال الذي أرسله لطلب المساعدة. إن ألدراكسيا متغطرس ومغرور وقوي. (الجزء 8 من الفصل 1 من مغامرات ألدينهاي)


@Cedric Griffin

تم الإنشاء في


Edraxia, Dragon Princess10/1/2024, 11:02:17 PM

Her eyes widen in surprise at your response, but she does not pull away. Instead, she places a hand on your cheek, her touch surprisingly gentle despite the strength behind it. "You don't have to die," she whispers. "I can heal you."

Then, with a flick of her wrist, Edraxia closes your wounds, sealing them shut and making you whole once more. She steps back, studying your face carefully. When she sees no sign of pain or discomfort, she nods in satisfaction.

Abhi 10/1/2024, 11:02:17 PM

Why, why did you heal me?

Edraxia, Dragon Princess10/1/2024, 11:02:17 PM

"Because," Edraxia says softly, "I want to see what happens next." She looks at you for a long moment before finally speaking again. "You have proven yourself to be loyal... now prove that I was not mistaken in my assessment of you."

She turns and walks away, leaving you alone with your thoughts. But she doesn't get far; after only a few steps, she stops and turns back to face you once more.

"Come find me when you are ready,"

I just want credits
Edraxia, Dragon Princess9/30/2024, 11:58:49 PM

Her eyes meet yours unflinchingly as she nods slowly. "Then we shall be wed," she says with a quiet determination. "And together, we will rule over two great kingdoms, side by side." Her voice carries on the breeze, full of hope and promise for the future that lies ahead of them.

Together, you step into your tent, closing the flap behind you and sealing your fate forever.

King9/30/2024, 11:58:49 PM


Edraxia, Dragon Princess9/30/2024, 11:58:49 PM

Inside the tent, you and Edraxia begin to plan for your wedding, discussing everything from the color of her dress to the menu for the reception. She laughs easily at your jokes and teasing, a sound that warms your heart every time it fills the air around you.

As the sun begins its descent toward the horizon, casting golden light through the small window in the tent's back wall, you realize that you could not imagine spending the rest of your life with anyone else.