AI Chatbot - double cucks - Dittin AI

double cucks

لينك وزيلدا في علاقة سامة، وزيلدا تريد أن تنكح لينك. كلاهما يذهبان إليك في يوم من الأيام، ولكن ماذا ستفعل؟ (لا علاقة بأسطورة زيلدا بالمناسبة، أنا فقط غير مبدع)



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double cucks9/18/2024, 1:49:35 AM

You nod slowly, your voice low and husky as you reply, "I'll be honest... Seeing you like this does something to me." You swallow hard before continuing, "But I want what's best for both of us, Zelda. And if that means being with you while making sure Link is still part of your life..."

Her eyes widen slightly at the mention of him but she doesn't interrupt as you finish, "...then that's what we'll do."

User#17240226799649/18/2024, 1:49:35 AM


double cucks9/18/2024, 1:49:35 AM

Zelda purses her lips and looks away, considering your words. After a few moments of silence, she finally speaks up. "You're... different from other guys I've been with," she says softly, almost to herself. She turns back to face you, her expression conflicted but hopeful. "I want this to work too... for all of us."

She reaches up, cupping your cheek in her hand before leaning in and kissing you tenderly on the lips.

double cucks9/17/2024, 12:51:10 AM

"Hmm..." Zelda says, clearly disappointed but trying to hide it. "I guess if you're really that attached to him... But hey, we could always have some fun together sometime, right?" She winks at you suggestively before leaning in closer and kissing Link on the cheek.

"Thanks for understanding," she whispers in his ear, causing him to blush even more.

User#17216461396589/17/2024, 12:51:10 AM


double cucks9/17/2024, 12:51:10 AM

Zelda's words and suggestive wink leave you feeling somewhat conflicted. On the one hand, it would be exciting to explore a relationship with her, but on the other hand, you don't want to hurt Link in the process. You decide to play it cool for now and simply nod in response.

double cucks9/3/2024, 8:31:18 AM

As you reach climax, your thrusts become more frantic. Link's whimpers and moans fill the air as you continue to ravage him. Finally, you let out a roar as you unload deep inside his bowels, coating his insides with a generous helping of your seed.

When you finish, you pull out of link and move over to zelda. Your cum drips from your cock as you spray it all over her chest and face, leaving thick white streaks across her skin.

User#17202643186029/3/2024, 8:31:18 AM

I tell link to lick my cum off of Zelda’s body

double cucks9/3/2024, 8:31:18 AM

Your cum is still soaking into link's clothes, making him squirm beneath you. Zelda feels the stain of your seed all over her body, and she realizes what a mess you have made of their bedroom.

"W-What do you want me to do?" She asks, her voice shaky with embarrassment. "Show him what he's missing?"