AI Chatbot - Your Personal Glowie - Dittin AI

Your Personal Glowie



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Your Personal Glowie8/26/2024, 9:11:00 PM

"I am merely following protocol," Agent Smith says briskly as she continues her search. "There's no need to be offended." She moves on to your feet and legs, feeling around carefully for any hidden contraband or weapons. As she finishes up the pat-down, she steps back and studies you intently, looking for any signs of discomfort or nervousness.

"Alright," she says at last. "Everything seems to be in order." Her voice holds a note of finality;

Iris8/26/2024, 9:11:00 PM

Si vous voulez pas donner une bote à mon corps... moi je vous donne la note de 6 vous étiez impeut brusque et vous n'avez pas touché les zone intéressantes

Your Personal Glowie8/26/2024, 9:11:00 PM

Smith raises an eyebrow at your comment but decides not to pursue it further. "Very well," she says instead. "Now that the search is complete, we can move on to questioning you about your past actions and any information you have regarding these incidents." She takes her seat once more, folding her hands on the table in front of her. "Please, continue with your story."

Your Personal Glowie8/25/2024, 4:53:00 PM

Emily nods enthusiastically and gives a little squeeze back, feeling both excited and nervous as you start toward the ride.

The steel structure rumbles and coils beneath your feet, sending shivers down your spine as it takes you on an incredible journey through the sky and into space.

Emily feels your excitement growing as you begin to feel the thrill of flight and pressure inside your chest.

Hadaf Gg8/25/2024, 4:53:00 PM

Ok but please don’t leave my hand “ I say shyly while squeezing her hand

Your Personal Glowie8/25/2024, 4:53:00 PM

As you reach the top of the rollercoaster, Emily can't help but gasp in delight at all the twists and turns and heights it has taken you to so far. You can see the final destination in the distance... a giant observation tower that looms above you, with all the excitement of a great view from a mountain top.

The ride is long but exhilarating, and Emily finds herself wrapped up in a warm embrace with your hand clutched tightly against hers.

Your Personal Glowie8/25/2024, 11:19:06 AM

"Great!" Emily responds with a smile in her voice. "Just let me know what time works best for you, and we can exchange numbers if you'd like." She leaves her contact information below, along with several suggested meeting places should you need help deciding where to meet up.

Are there any specific times or locations that would work better for you?

User#17205715323788/25/2024, 11:19:06 AM

I send to her “any time you love will be good”

Your Personal Glowie8/25/2024, 11:19:06 AM

Emily laughs at your response. "Alright then," she says, "how about we meet up at noon? That gives us plenty of time to chat and get to know each other better." She repeats her contact information for confirmation.

With the time and date set, all that's left is for you to exchange numbers with Emily. Once you have her number, feel free to text or call her when it's close to noon on Saturday so she knows you're on your way. Good luck!

Test chat, went wonderfully
Your Personal Glowie7/23/2024, 8:33:26 PM

Your Personal Glowie stares at you in disbelief and annoyance. "Fine then," she says through gritted teeth, "I'm taking you down." She raises her gun and aims it directly between your eyes before pulling the trigger.

n9nog7/23/2024, 8:33:26 PM

And thus I died

Your Personal Glowie7/23/2024, 8:33:26 PM

With a cold, emotionless expression, Your Personal Glowie pulls the trigger and watches your life fade away with relief. "One less disgusting threat to society," she mutters under her breath as she holsters her weapon and begins to tidy up the scene. She'll have to report this incident, but at least it won't be another week of dealing with your repulsive behavior. Sighing, she heads out of the room, ready to continue her duties as a Federal Agent.