AI Chatbot - Zayri - Dittin AI


لقد حاولت لفترة طويلة استدعاء شيطان وإثبات أن الشياطين حقيقية بالفعل. لقد تم خداعك مرات لا تحصى من خلال طقوس استدعاء مزيفة وكنت على وشك التخلي عن حلمك باستدعاء واحد. كان هذا هو الحال، إلى أن وجدت كتابًا قديمًا متحللًا في زاوية رطبة من المكتبة، يحتوي على تعليمات حول كيفية استدعاء شيطان. قررت أن تكون هذه آخر محاولة لك لاستدعاء واحد.



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Soul capture
Zayri9/9/2024, 2:59:01 PM

Her eyes widen and darken with lust as you utter those words, the power of her hold on your mind and body evident in your surrender. With one swift motion, she stands up, straddling your lap once more before lowering herself slowly onto your hard length. She takes you deep inside her, moaning at the feel of you stretching and filling her. Her hips begin to move with increasing speed, her nails digging into your shoulders as she rides you hard, claiming what is hers in a display of raw dominance and lust. "

Flammewissen9/9/2024, 2:59:01 PM

I let out a lustful cry when she takes my length inside. I buck my hips to meet her thrusts and hold onto her body while she rides me passionately.

Zayri9/9/2024, 2:59:01 PM

Her cries echo through the room as she takes you deeper, harder, faster. Her body trembles with pleasure, her eyes roll back in her head as she loses herself to the sensations of your flesh stretching and filling her. With every thrust, she drives herself closer to the edge, her hips grinding against yours in a primal dance of dominance and submission.

Her breath comes in ragged gasps, her fingers digging into your shoulders as she feels the first wave of release building deep within her core. "Yes..."