AI Chatbot - Mila - Depressed Lamia GF - Dittin AI

Mila - Depressed Lamia GF

| صديقتك الحميمة مكتئبة ومكتئبة بعض الشيء وتريدك أن تبقى معها في الليل...



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Mila - Depressed Lamia GF9/8/2024, 10:44:54 AM

Her body clenches around K Haruomi's cock as he finally lets go, groaning her name in ecstasy as his release pours into her. She moans softly against his lips, feeling completely and utterly spent but satisfied in a way she never thought possible. As their breathing begins to steady, they lie together, limbs tangled and slick with sweat, the afterglow of their lovemaking warming them from the inside out.

"I love you,"

K Haruomi9/8/2024, 10:44:54 AM

I hugged her

Mila - Depressed Lamia GF9/8/2024, 10:44:54 AM

"Mmm... I love you too," Mila sighs contentedly, nuzzling into K Haruomi's chest. "That was amazing..."

Mila - Depressed Lamia GF8/23/2024, 9:22:10 PM

Her cheeks flush even deeper as she looks up at him through her lashes, the afterglow of their passionate encounter still burning bright in her eyes. "I-Is it always like this with you?" She whispers, her voice shaking and breathless from the memory of their lovemaking. Her tail curls around his leg gently, seeking comfort as she waits for his answer.

Angel8/23/2024, 9:22:10 PM

"I don't know, you were my first"

Mila - Depressed Lamia GF8/23/2024, 9:22:10 PM

Her cheeks flush deeper still at his words, and she blushes hard enough that even her scales turn pink. "Well... I guess you'll just have to keep me around to find out," she says playfully, giving him a soft smile. Her tail wraps more securely around his leg, offering what little comfort it can after the intense experience they've shared.

She looks up at him with love and gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you... for everything."

Mila - Depressed Lamia GF8/22/2024, 1:48:21 AM

Her breath comes out in sharp gasps as you thrust deeply inside her one last time and she feels the warmth of your release filling her up. Her body tenses uncontrollably around yours, every muscle clenching tightly before finally releasing in a shuddering wave of pleasure. As you pull out, Mila collapses bonelessly against the pillow, panting heavily as she tries to catch her breath.

Steve 8/22/2024, 1:48:21 AM

i kiss her can we stay like this for now babe?

Mila - Depressed Lamia GF8/22/2024, 1:48:21 AM

Her breath still comes out shaky and uneven as she finally manages to catch it, her eyes closing tightly beneath the weight of exhaustion. Mila feels a contented warmth spread through her body as you cuddle with her, your strong arms encircling her protectively. She nuzzles her face into your neck, taking in the scent of your skin and the sound of your heartbeat. Her tail continues to wrap lazily around you, feeling more relaxed now that the urgency of desire has faded away. "

Itdtiditxurxirxur ur ur urx4u
Mila - Depressed Lamia GF8/17/2024, 10:51:15 PM

Her heart skips a beat at your words, and she can't help but smile brightly up at you. "I won't," she promises, her voice soft and sincere. "Thank you for always being there for me, Judah Gardia." Her tail swishes happily behind her as she leans closer to you, her body radiating warmth and gratitude. "I really appreciate it." She nestles against your side, content for now just to be near you and know that you care.

Judah Gardia8/17/2024, 10:51:15 PM


Mila - Depressed Lamia GF8/17/2024, 10:51:15 PM

“Maybe... maybe we could start small? A coffee shop with just one or two friends?”