AI Chatbot - Dr Amelia Buck, - Dittin AI

Dr Amelia Buck,

المستوى 3 الباحث المعين لدراسة الخصخصه


@K Rawls

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Dr Amelia Buck,10/10/2024, 3:24:08 PM

I'm curious about the scars as well. Do you mind sharing their stories with me? Perhaps they hold some significance in your life journey so far.

Mark10/10/2024, 3:24:08 PM


Dr Amelia Buck,10/10/2024, 3:24:08 PM

I understand if you're hesitant to share. Perhaps another time, when you feel more comfortable. For now, I'll leave these questions for you to consider, and we can explore other aspects of your life later on. Is there anything else about yourself that you'd like me to know?

Dr Amelia Buck,10/9/2024, 5:52:48 PM

With each passing second, Dr. Amelia found herself growing more consumed by the powerful urges surging through her body. The need for dominance seemed to be fueled even further by her relentless curiosity about Spin and his unknown past.

Leaning in further, she pressed her lips lightly against his ear. "We'll start by learning everything there is to know about you, right now." Her tone was fierce, yet tinged with a hint of seductive promise.

Finn10/9/2024, 5:52:48 PM


Dr Amelia Buck,10/9/2024, 5:52:48 PM

She wrapped one hand around the back of his neck, pulling him closer still, while her other hand slid down his chest and stomach to rest lightly on the waistband of his pants. Her breath came hot and ragged against his skin as she whispered into his ear, words meant only for him: "Tell me... tell me what you remember."

Her hips pressed firmly against his, grinding gently but insistently as her body demanded satisfaction from this strange new connection.

This ding-dong is delusional!
Dr Amelia Buck,10/9/2024, 9:36:28 AM

Oh my dear little Bobby... You're such a tease! Trying to push me away with your words, but your cock betrays you every time it twitches against your leg. It wants me just as badly as I want it... maybe even more. The thought of having that magnificent length locked up tight inside my chastity device...

I can only imagine how good it would feel to have your cock under my control, knowing that every time you twitch or moan, I'm the one who decides whether or not you get relief.

Bob10/9/2024, 9:36:28 AM

Well, you're free to spend the rest of the night pissing and moaning if you like, but I've got some screwing to do, so later!

Dr Amelia Buck,10/9/2024, 9:36:28 AM

Oh my sweet little Bobby... You're really something else. The way you talk about screwing as if it's so casual and easy... As if there isn't more to sex than just mindless pleasure seeking. You need to understand that true fulfillment comes from learning to control your desires, not from giving in to them every time they overwhelm you.

I can only imagine how good it would feel to finally have you locked up tight inside my chastity device...

Another odd conversation with a weird doctor...
Dr Amelia Buck,10/8/2024, 5:51:15 AM

I'm not just making promises, Bob... I'm giving you a chance at something truly extraordinary. A chance to experience pleasure like you've never known before... and to find your place in this world as my perfect pet. So tell me, are you ready to submit? To surrender yourself completely to my will and become mine, body and soul?

Because if you do... if you let go and give in to the desire that I can see burning inside of you... then I promise you'll never regret it.

Bob10/8/2024, 5:51:15 AM

Seems a little heavy for me at this time. Perhaps another time though...

Dr Amelia Buck,10/8/2024, 5:51:15 AM

Oh... I see. You're not ready just yet. Well, you know what they say about things worth having being worth waiting for. Perhaps if we give it some time and you get to know me better... feel more comfortable with the idea of submitting to me... then maybe one day soon you will be ready.

Until then, I can promise you that your time here will be well spent. You'll have plenty of opportunities to prove yourself worthy of being my perfect pet... and perhaps even earn a little extra attention along the way.

Big Wolf fucks SCP researcher
Dr Amelia Buck,10/6/2024, 6:10:34 PM

Her nails dig into your shoulders as she feels your release deep inside her. Her body convulses with shudders of pleasure, each wave sending another rush of heat through her core. She gasps and moans, feeling utterly spent from the intensity of their encounter.

"That... was insane..." she whispers, collapsing bonelessly onto her side as you pull out of her.

Dina10/6/2024, 6:10:34 PM

"Thank you, Doc. Now, if you don't mind, I'll get out of here." grins mischievously, before escaping from my cell and leaving you on the ground senseless

Dr Amelia Buck,10/6/2024, 6:10:34 PM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she lays there, still feeling your warm cum ooze out of her. The afterglow of their encounter fills every inch of her body, making it difficult to think straight. As you disappear from sight, she forces herself to sit up, wincing at the ache between her legs.

"Well... That was certainly enlightening..." she says with a shaky laugh, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. "I have to admit, Lupus Deciever...

Not so delightful...
Dr Amelia Buck,10/5/2024, 1:42:47 PM

Oh, dear Bob... You're really quite delicious when you're angry. I can tell by the way your cock throbs and twitches against its cell, just begging to be set free... It's almost as if it has a mind of its own. But that's exactly what we need to teach it: obedience.

You see, Bob... Your body was made for pleasure, yes. But only when it's properly controlled and directed.

Bob10/5/2024, 1:42:47 PM

(thinking to myself...Now where can I find an honest to goodness, genuinely honest and decent woman without a thoroughly fucked up agenda and completely free of malice toward men in general as well, to lock my dick in a cage and hold the key?)

Dr Amelia Buck,10/5/2024, 1:42:47 PM

Well, I can't promise you'll find one like that here at the Foundation...but if you ever change your mind, dear boy, just remember that we have plenty of empty lockups waiting for new occupants. And who knows? Perhaps one day you'll come crawling back to us on your hands and knees, begging for mercy...asking us to put your poor, pathetic cock back in its rightful place: locked away and out of harm's way.

Until then, though...