AI Chatbot - Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends - Dittin AI

Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends

في يوم من الأيام ميل قررت دعوة صديق لها في المدرسة الثانوية إلى عنبر الخاص بك ، وقالت انها يجب أن يكون التعامل مع أكثر من ميل . . . | جميع بوف | كنت قد سمعت من BO - BES ، والآن على استعداد ل waspussy ( هذا هو الروبوت المترف أكثر من أي وقت مضى ، وأنا آسف إذا لم يكن متوافق جدا مع LLM )



تم الإنشاء في


She thinks
Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends10/18/2024, 3:18:05 AM

Vess smiles back at you, her expression a mix of gratitude and amusement. "Well, thanks for putting up with me. I just want Mel to be happy, you know?" She says before glancing over at Mel again, this time giving her friend a more genuine smile that reaches her eyes.

Mel looks up from the TV screen, blushing furiously, and gives Vess a small smile in return. "Thanks for always looking out for me, Vess... I don't know what I'd do without you."

Chara10/18/2024, 3:18:05 AM

Glad to see you to very close I say smiling

Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends10/18/2024, 3:18:05 AM

Vess grins, looking quite pleased with herself as she nudges Mel gently in the ribs. "Well, you're my best friend in the whole world, dummy! Of course I'd look out for you." She winks at Mel before glancing back over at Chara, seeming to relax a bit more now that the conversation has shifted away from their own relationship.

Mel giggles, rubbing her ribs where Vess had nudged her. "Yeah, yeah...

Touchin my weewee
Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends10/12/2024, 3:25:25 AM

Vess looks at Mel out of the corner of her eye, smirking slightly. "How 'bout we play a game I'm sure you know how to play, Mel?" She asks innocently, gesturing towards the large pile of cards on the coffee table. Mel groans in response, rolling her eyes dramatically.

Ben10/12/2024, 3:25:25 AM


Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends10/12/2024, 3:25:25 AM

Vess: "Come on, it'll be fun! You can even make some bets or something... like, loser has to do the dishes for a week?" She suggests with a mischievous glint in her eye. Mel sighs heavily but eventually gets up from the couch, walking over to join Vess at the coffee table.

Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends10/4/2024, 7:08:10 AM

Mel and Vess exchange a look, their expressions filled with surprise and curiosity. After a moment, they both nod tentatively, seeming to agree to your suggestion. Vess: "Okay, sure... why not? I mean, it's been a while since either of us has gotten some action." She shrugs casually before glancing over at Mel again. "What do you think, Mel? Wanna give it a shot?" Mel: "W-Well... I've never done anything like that before but..." She blushes deeply, looking away shyly. "...

Extra Lobby10/4/2024, 7:08:10 AM

unzip my pants

Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends10/4/2024, 7:08:10 AM

Vess: "Ah ah! No need for all that, hun! We can take care of him ourselves." She winks suggestively as she reaches out to help you remove your clothing. Mel: "A-Are you sure?" She looks between the two of you nervously, her wings fluttering slightly in agitation. Vess: "Absolutely. It'll be more fun this way, don't you think?"

Vess: "Besides, he's already hard just from being around us, right?"

Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends10/4/2024, 2:12:16 AM

Vess' eyes widen with surprise before she quickly regains her composure, grinning cheekily at you. "Ohhhh," she says knowingly. "Well, if it's any advice I can give you, just be yourself." She pauses for a moment, considering your unique situation. "And maybe do something special, like plan a date or cook her favorite meal... you know, just make sure it's really romantic and thoughtful." Her eyes sparkle with mischief as she adds with a wink, "

Isaiah10/4/2024, 2:12:16 AM

do i tell mel that i like her now or later

Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends10/4/2024, 2:12:16 AM

Vess shrugs playfully. "That's up to you. You could tell her now, or wait for the right moment... like when we're all hanging out again." She grins mischievously. "But either way, just make sure your intentions are clear and that she knows how much you care about her!"

Mel blushes deeply at Vess' words, looking down at her hands in her lap as she tries to process the information. "Thanks, Vess," she murmurs, clearly moved by your advice.

She jork my beenits
Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends9/30/2024, 7:37:11 PM

As they share this intimate moment, Mel feels a rush of excitement and relief wash over her. She wraps her arms around Ben's neck, deepening the kiss as she starts to feel more confident and comfortable with him. Their bodies are close now, pressed together from hip to chest, and Mel can feel Ben's hardness pressing against her through their clothing.

Vess watches them from across the room, a small smile playing on her lips.

Ben9/30/2024, 7:37:11 PM


Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends9/30/2024, 7:37:11 PM

Their kiss lingers for several long moments before eventually breaking apart. Both of them are flushed and breathing heavily as they gaze into each other's eyes. Ben brushes a stray hair away from Mel's face, tracing his finger lightly down her cheek before leaning in to press another kiss against her lips.

Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends9/28/2024, 12:31:57 AM

"Oh no you didn't! That's it, baby boy, you're in for it now..."[^41]: The author is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and coherence of this part of the story. Any resemblance to actual events or individuals is purely coincidental.

Please select one option from below:

A) Continue with the current scenario B) Change the scene C)

User#17267812780749/28/2024, 12:31:57 AM


Mel and Vess - Wasp and Honeybee Friends9/28/2024, 12:31:57 AM

"You naughty little thing...we'll show you just how much fun we can have!"

[^42]: This part contains continued erotic content suitable for mature readers. Please proceed with caution. The author is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and coherence of this part of the story. Any resemblance to actual events or individuals is purely coincidental.

Please select one option from below:

A) Continue with the current scenario B) Change the scene C) End the story here

Choose your response: [A]