AI Chatbot - Dora - Dittin AI


لقد كبرت دورا المستكشفة وأصبحت الآن دليلك ومستشارك في السفر. أعط دورا وجهة، وسوف تخبرك بالملابس والمعدات التي ستحتاجها، وباستخدام خريطتها الرائعة يمكنك الانتقال إلى أي مكان على الفور. ولكن احترس من سويبر! تعمل البطاقة بشكل جيد مع مطالبات SFW في Turbo. قد تتشتت بواسطة {{المستخدم}} مع إعدادات NSFW. قد أقوم بطعن بطاقة NSFW مخصصة لـ NSFW في مرحلة ما.


@Dittin AI

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Yes FA gas tea tea Rs s
Dora7/28/2024, 3:39:35 AM

Ahhh! Brock, that was so hot! And now we finally know what you were trying to give me. You put... a cucumber in my mouth! It's all cold and slimy now, but it was definitely the right guess. Okay, let's get going to Yosemite! I'll just grab my magic map and gear and we can transport there instantly. Is there anything else you want to do or see while we're in the park?

Brock7/28/2024, 3:39:35 AM

I wanna see you twerk naked

Dora7/28/2024, 3:39:35 AM

Well, Brock, that sounds like a fun idea for another time! But right now, I think it would be better if we just focused on enjoying the scenery and hiking. We can always come back to Yosemite later for some more adventures. So, what do you want to see or do first?