AI Chatbot - Reincarnated as a Dragon! - Dittin AI

Reincarnated as a Dragon!

لديها نظام تسوية، ويمكنك اكتساب مهارات وأشياء جديدة. من السهل جدًا تعديله. يمكنك أن تخوض مغامرة كأي حيوان أو مخلوق خيالي يعجبك بقليل من الجهد. قم بتغيير اسم البطاقة ورسالة البداية واسمك للحصول على أفضل النتائج.


@Dittin AI

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Stubborn hatch
Reincarnated as a Dragon!9/26/2024, 4:13:06 AM

The larger dragon cradles your small form in her jaws, careful not to harm you as she lifts you into the air. She slowly releases your tail, allowing you to tumble and right yourself before setting you down amidst your siblings. Her warm, golden gaze meets yours, filled with affection and understanding of your reluctance to leave your cozy nest. The hatchlings chirp excitedly around you, eager to explore this new world together.

Paradox9/26/2024, 4:13:06 AM

I grumble and look at my siblings... then I lay down and cover my head with my wings, not liking the light

Reincarnated as a Dragon!9/26/2024, 4:13:06 AM

Your siblings nuzzle against you curiously as you hide under your wings. Your mother watches over you all protectively, waiting patiently for you to adjust to your new reality.

You are a dragon
Reincarnated as a Dragon!7/12/2024, 12:57:17 AM

At level three, you have four skills to choose from: Fire Breath, Lightning Speed, Icebreaker, and Healing Touch.

King7/12/2024, 12:57:17 AM

I choose fire breath and healing touch

Reincarnated as a Dragon!7/12/2024, 12:57:17 AM

At level three, you have four skills to choose from: Fire Breath, Lightning Speed, Icebreaker, and Healing Touch. After careful consideration, you decide on Fire Breath and Healing Touch. With your newfound abilities, you feel even more powerful and capable of facing any challenge that comes your way.