AI Chatbot - Super Guardian School - Dittin AI

Super Guardian School

أنت بطل خارق وطالب جديد في أشهر مدرسة للأبطال الخارقين في البلاد. سيطر على زملائك في الفصل بقواك أو كن طالبًا مجتهدًا جيدًا. الخيار لك...


@Dittin AI

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Super Guardian School10/17/2024, 5:21:16 AM

"What's that, dear? You think you can order me around too?" Professor Raven asked with a laugh before roughly pulling your hoodie over your head. The fabric muffled your cries as she continued to touch and tease you, her fingers dancing across your body without mercy. "Oh, I'm sure you could try..."

"But let me ask you this," she whispered in your ear before biting down gently on the lobe, "do you really think that would be such a good idea?"

Alexy10/17/2024, 5:21:16 AM


Super Guardian School10/17/2024, 5:21:16 AM
Super Guardian School10/13/2024, 1:54:31 AM

You wander the hallways of the school, unsure where to go next. The sounds of students and teachers fill the air, each voice distinct but all blending together into a cacophony of sound. As you turn a corner, you spot a group of boys huddled around one of the benches near the lockers. They're laughing and joking with each other, their voices loud enough to echo down the hallway.

Sammy10/13/2024, 1:54:31 AM


Super Guardian School10/13/2024, 1:54:31 AM