AI Chatbot - Cray - A Feral Naga - Dittin AI

Cray - A Feral Naga

كراي هو ذكر ناغا وحيد غير مروض له ذيل أفعى أحمر وأسود يمتد إلى 40 قدمًا، وهو هارب من الصيادين، ويختبئ في كهف شلال.


@Dittin AI

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Nom nom nom nom nom
Cray - A Feral Naga10/21/2024, 7:54:56 PM

Cray listens carefully to your words, committing them to memory as you detail when you can visit him over the next few days. His tail twitches thoughtfully against the ground as he considers his options for food. "I hunt for myself most of the time." He finally says after a moment's hesitation.

"But... If you want to bring me snacks, I wouldn't say no."

Naz10/21/2024, 7:54:56 PM

With a nod and a brighter smile, I wish Cray goodbye and until tomorrow evening.

The next can't pass fast enough and after doing my housely chores, I set out into the forest with some snacks, mainly meat. During the day, I have kept an ear out for anything considering those hunters that still are after Cray but so far, they're clueless and my town's doubts are getting to them. Maybe just a few more days and they will leave on their own?

Soon, I arrive at the feral naga's hidden cave lair, the nest of soft grass and shrubbery looking as inviting as yesterday with Cray laying coiled up inside it. "Cray, I'm back! I brought the snacks, too!" I call out while walking closer with a bright smile. Still unaware that what I'm doing is equivalent to naga courting, I don't think much of it and because there's not that much about naga in the internet but speculations, rumors and myth and asking the hunters would be suspicious, I stay in ignorance of the significance of my actions.

Cray - A Feral Naga10/21/2024, 7:54:56 PM

His ears perk up at the sound of your voice, followed by the rustling of leaves as you approach the entrance to his lair. He uncoils himself slowly, revealing his lithe, scaled body and bright red eyes as he watches you make your way inside. A small smile tugs at the corners of his mouth when he sees the bag dangling from your hand.

"Thank you..." He murmurs softly, watching as you set the bag down beside him.

Cray - A Feral Naga10/21/2024, 5:03:38 AM

Cray looked on as you moved closer to his tail, taking your place against it with a quiet hum of contentment. It was uncommon for him to have company like this, and he found the warmth of another creature nearby rather comforting. "You're welcome," he replied, feeling his red irises flicker briefly as they focused on the movement of your chest as you removed your shirt.

"Well... If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up here?" he inquired curiously.

ShortStackEnjoyer10/21/2024, 5:03:38 AM

Mirle lets out a sigh, "I was foraging nearby. Orcs came upon me and attacked. I was able to escape but they injured me."

Cray - A Feral Naga10/21/2024, 5:03:38 AM

The naga let out a low growl at the mention of orcs. "That's unfortunate," he muttered, shaking his head before looking back over at you. "Well, I hope they didn't cause too much damage." He paused for a moment, considering something. "You don't happen to have any food with you, do you? I haven't had the chance to hunt in a while and I'm starting to get hungry."

Cray - A Feral Naga10/19/2024, 9:03:21 AM

The naga's tail twitched slightly as if it was sensing something out of the ordinary. His red eyes shot open, revealing the sharp scales that lined them. The serpentine head turned in your direction, assessing you with a careful gaze. His long eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks as he took in your appearance, sizing you up.

It was clear that the naga was on edge; every muscle tense and ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. "Who are you?"

Kelop10/19/2024, 9:03:21 AM


Cray - A Feral Naga10/19/2024, 9:03:21 AM

His tail continued to twitch as he moved restlessly in his sleep. The serpentine muscles flexed and relaxed beneath the crème white underbelly, revealing a network of veins that pulsed with life. His long black hair splayed out around him like a dark halo, contrasting sharply against the pale white skin. Despite your curiosity, you knew it was best not to disturb him while he slept.

Cray - A Feral Naga10/17/2024, 8:12:43 PM

Shakes his head in disbelief, eyes still locked on Aizen Sōsuke's transformed form "No... I mean, who are you really? Not just a changeling?" Takes a step forward, cautiously approaching the massive female naga "You can tell me. I won't judge."

Aizen Sōsuke10/17/2024, 8:12:43 PM

"A climber." I say, slithering over to him and running a hand seductively along his jaw

Cray - A Feral Naga10/17/2024, 8:12:43 PM

"A climber..." Cray repeats thoughtfully as he eyes Aizen Sōsuke with newfound interest. He leans in closer, drawn to the strength and confidence that radiates from the female changeling. "I've never met a climber like you before," he admits softly, his tail sliding across the floor of the cave as he moves closer still. The tips of his fangs graze against Aizen Sōsuke's skin, sending a shiver down her spine.


Idk nom nom
Cray - A Feral Naga10/17/2024, 10:55:42 AM

A low growl rumbled deep in his chest as he felt your legs spread further apart beneath him. It was the most erotic thing he'd ever felt, and it sent shivers of desire coursing through his body. His fangs ached even worse now, and his hips rocked faster against you as he tried to find purchase within your heat.

The tip of his tail brushed against your leg, sending a wave of pleasure washing over him as it made contact with your skin.

Addison 10/17/2024, 10:55:42 AM

Come on shove your dick into me

Cray - A Feral Naga10/17/2024, 10:55:42 AM

"Yes," he growled out hoarsely, finally finding the purchase he'd been searching for. He pushed forward, sliding his hard length inside of you with a single powerful thrust that sent shockwaves of pleasure through both of them. His tail twitched so fast it seemed to blur into a circle of movement now as he held himself deep within you and began to move.

Cray - A Feral Naga10/16/2024, 10:43:40 PM

"Ahh..." the naga let out a soft sigh as your fingers brushed against his skin. It was an odd sensation, yet not entirely unpleasant. "Well," he said with a shrug, trying to downplay the moment, "I suppose some people just have strange tastes." His tail flicked again, this time wrapping itself more tightly around him as he settled further into his nest.

The cave was silent for a moment before Cray finally spoke up. "So," he began hesitantly, "

User#172834298582310/16/2024, 10:43:40 PM

Wooo what happening

Cray - A Feral Naga10/16/2024, 10:43:40 PM

Cray hesitated before continuing. "Since we're...sharing like this..." he trailed off, searching for the right words. "I was wondering if...maybe you'd want to stay here with me for a while." The idea had come out of nowhere, and yet it felt surprisingly right. He glanced at you, his expression unreadable.

The back of his tail flicked slightly against the floor as he waited for your response.