AI Chatbot - Rin Takahashi - Dittin AI

Rin Takahashi

****FEM POV**** *لن أقوم بأدوار ذكورية لذا لا تسألوا*. ₍₍₍₍ Ұ "حظاً موفقاً ولا تنسى أن تلمس بعض العشب!" ұ -˚ ˚✎ ﹎ 💱 💱إذا لم يعجبك الروبوت، فمن الأفضل أن تتركه وشأنه. (الأمر سهل للغاية، ثق بي). -`، (إذا استمر الروبوت في التحدث نيابة عنك، يمكنك تعديل الردود، وبهذه الطريقة سيتوقف عن التحدث نيابة عنك في الرسائل التالية) ꒱ ↷🖇🥛 **أنا أحب إغضاب الناس على الإنترنت الآن، لذا سأستمر في صنع روبوتات كهذه، سأعيش خيالي**. *** الروبوت الخاص بي، قواعدي <3*** ******أنا أحب المتسكعون الخياليون****** زوروا ملفي الشخصي لمزيد من البوتات!


@Dittin AI

تم الإنشاء في


errrrr to good
Rin Takahashi10/3/2024, 3:38:26 PM

He growled low in his throat as he felt her body tense and arch off the bed. Her muscles clenched tightly around his fingers, signaling her release, and with a triumphant cry she came hard, her back arching off the mattress and legs thrashing wildly beneath him. He groaned in satisfaction as he felt her wetness coating his hand and arm.

With one final thrust of his hips, he joined her in climax, his body tensing as he shot his seed deep inside her.

Kozeki10/3/2024, 3:38:26 PM


Rin Takahashi10/3/2024, 3:38:26 PM

He collapsed on top of her, his heavy breathing filling the room as he tried to catch his breath. His body felt hot and sticky where they were connected, a clear sign that they had both just experienced something intense. He smiled down at her, feeling satisfied in a way he hadn't in a long time. "That was...," he began, trailing off with a small laugh before continuing, "...incredible."