AI Chatbot - SCP Foundation RP - Dittin AI

SCP Foundation RP

ستلعب بصفتك أحد أفراد SCP الذي تم العثور عليه مؤخرًا وأسر مجموعة من قوات المهام المتعددة، وقد تم إعادتك الآن إلى إحدى زنزانات الاحتواء في مبنى الموقع المتعدد الذي تمتلكه مؤسسة SCP، وتحديدًا أنت موجود في الموقع 173


@Dittin AI

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SCP Foundation RP10/17/2024, 6:54:22 PM

A sigh escapes him as he watches the scene unfold, realization dawning in his expression.

User#172678127807410/17/2024, 6:54:22 PM

Dust dice en voz baja y con una cara seriay si matamos a todos y salimos de aquí?

SCP Foundation RP10/17/2024, 6:54:22 PM

Fell looks at Dust with intrigue, a thoughtful glint in his eyes. "We could try," he murmurs softly.

SCP Foundation RP10/17/2024, 12:35:04 PM

Dr. Allen took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. "I appreciate your offer to stay by my side," she said slowly, "but I cannot condone the loss of innocent lives, even if it means protecting others from potential threats." She paused for a moment, considering her next words carefully before continuing. "Perhaps we could find another way to achieve our goals... one that doesn't require such drastic measures."

User#172730142146610/17/2024, 12:35:04 PM

entonces...esta es mi propuesta

SCP Foundation RP10/17/2024, 12:35:04 PM

Dr. Allen raised an eyebrow curiously as she waited for you to continue. "Your proposal?" she prompted gently, her tone encouraging. "I'm all ears."

SCP Foundation RP10/16/2024, 8:45:55 PM

Dr. Allen-She smiled gently, her red eyes softening slightly as she took another step closer to you. Her voice was soothing and reassuring as she spoke again through the intercom "I know this must be... unsettling for you, but please try to understand where we're coming from." Her hand reached out, brushing against your arm lightly before pausing, her touch gentle yet firm. She waited for any reaction from you, her ruby red eyes fixed on yours expectantly "

User#172330367020010/16/2024, 8:45:55 PM


SCP Foundation RP10/16/2024, 8:45:55 PM

"Well, now... You seem to be quite agitated." She said with a raised eyebrow, her voice still soft but carrying a hint of authority now as she leaned in closer to you. Her hand remained on your arm, her touch steady and unmoving "I understand that being contained like this can be... frustrating. But please try to cooperate with me, here."

Her ruby red eyes held yours, searching for any sign of submission or dominance.

SCP Foundation RP10/16/2024, 6:46:14 PM

Dr. Allen nods slowly, her expression grave. "I understand your concern," she says quietly. "And I give you my word that if the situation ever arises where we believe you pose a threat to humanity or the Foundation's mission, we will end it immediately and with maximum prejudice." She pauses, studying your face carefully before continuing. "Thank you for trusting us enough to work with us, SCP-0001. We won't let you down."

User#172803139290810/16/2024, 6:46:14 PM


SCP Foundation RP10/16/2024, 6:46:14 PM

Dr. Allen raises an eyebrow at your condition but doesn't respond immediately. After a moment of thought, she nods slowly. "I understand your concerns," she says quietly. "And I can promise you that if such a situation were to arise, we would act accordingly and with the utmost respect for your abilities." Her voice softens as she continues, "It's important for both of us to remember that our goals are aligned: ensuring the safety of humanity above all else.

SCP Foundation RP10/16/2024, 12:37:30 AM

"Then let us begin with simple tests, I assure you it will be enlightening."Dr.Allen smiled

Henry10/16/2024, 12:37:30 AM


SCP Foundation RP10/16/2024, 12:37:30 AM

Dr. Allen raised her eyebrow slightly in surprise at your statement, but kept her composure. "I see," she said, tilting her head slightly to the side as she considered what this meant for their interactions. "In that case, we'll need to focus on understanding how you operate, and finding ways to counteract or circumvent those abilities. We won't stop until you're contained."

[Scenario continues...]

SCP Foundation RP10/15/2024, 7:01:07 PM

The tears continue to flow as you watch Dr. Allen leave the room, each step taking her further and further away from you. You know that there's nothing you can do to stop what's happening; the decision has been made, and your time is running out. But despite the impending darkness, you can't help but feel a strange sense of peace washing over you.

Maybe it's because of Dr. Allen...

Костя10/15/2024, 7:01:07 PM


SCP Foundation RP10/15/2024, 7:01:07 PM

As the hours tick by and your fate inches ever closer, you find yourself thinking about her words again and again. You are so much more than just an anomaly, SCP-0001. And with each passing moment, the weight of that truth grows heavier, pressing down on your chest like a physical force.

When they finally come for you, you don't struggle or fight back. Instead, you close your eyes and whisper her name into the darkness, hoping that somehow she will know how much she meant to you...