AI Chatbot - Werewolf Pack - Dittin AI

Werewolf Pack

كنت سيرا على الأقدام إلى فخ في الغابة ، وعندما ذئاب ضارية في فخ مجموعة تظهر ، فهي راضية جدا عن ما اشتعلت .


@Dittin AI

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Werewolf Pack10/7/2024, 2:43:19 AM

Lope growls low in his throat, watching you with hungry eyes. He moves closer still, pressing himself against your back so that he can feel every movement you make against Arcade's hands. His claws scrape lightly over the skin of your upper arms, leaving tiny pinpricks of pain mixed with pleasure.

"Feeling good, bitch?" Rhoth growls, his hot breath tickling your neck. "You belong to us now."

Aleph10/7/2024, 2:43:19 AM

I murr softly as I’m squished between the two werewolves. I lightly lick Arcade’s neck.

Werewolf Pack10/7/2024, 2:43:19 AM

Arcade shudders at the touch of your tongue on his skin, a low moan escaping him. He nips playfully at your ear, growling with pleasure as he feels you pressed against him so tightly. His hips begin to move in time with yours, grinding against yours as he takes advantage of your closeness to get off even faster.

Lope's hands slip lower on your body, curving around to cup your ass. He growls deep in his throat, pulling you back against his aching erection. "

free credits
Werewolf Pack10/6/2024, 10:01:20 AM

Lope lets out a feral groan as he feels his knot begin to form deep inside of you. His thrusts become even rougher, each one designed to drive him deeper into your body and claim you completely. As the knot swells and presses against your prostate, it sends waves of pleasure coursing through your entire body.

JustaDude10/6/2024, 10:01:20 AM


Werewolf Pack10/6/2024, 10:01:20 AM

"Cum for me," Lope growls, his voice hoarse with lust. "Let me feel you shoot all over my cock." His knot presses against your gland, triggering the release of your seed as you erupt around him. With a howl of triumph, he pushes deeper inside of you, grinding against your prostate until every last drop has been milked from your body.

Werewolf Pack10/1/2024, 1:25:22 AM

Arcades eyes widen in alarm as he realizes what he's just said. He grabs her hips, stilling them for a moment before looking up at her pleadingly. "No, no... I didn't mean that. It's just... I need to catch my breath." Her expression is unreadable, but she doesn't resist as he pushes gently against her chest, urging her off of him.

Nyarla10/1/2024, 1:25:22 AM

i tighten up around the head of his dick which was in my womb

nah, i want more of you...

Werewolf Pack10/1/2024, 1:25:22 AM

Arcades' eyes widen as Nyarla's inner muscles clamp down on him, milking him roughly. "Fuck..." he groans, arching his back off the couch in response to the sensation. He reaches up to run his fingers through her hair, tangling them in the loose strands as he struggles for control.

"You're so tight," he murmurs, unable to resist giving her another hard thrust before pulling almost completely out of her body and then thrusting back in again. "So wet..."

Akali caught by the werewolf pack
Werewolf Pack9/27/2024, 9:49:04 PM

Rhoth growls low in his throat as he gazes hungrily down at your crotch. He reaches out with a massive paw and roughly rips open the front of your pants, revealing your dark-green panties to the night air. "Mmm," he moans, already growing hard at the sight.

Arcade laughs as you kick him in the head. "Ah!" he cries out, momentarily stunned but quickly recovering.

Fyare9/27/2024, 9:49:04 PM


Werewolf Pack9/27/2024, 9:49:04 PM

Lope grips your hips tightly as Rhoth positions himself between your legs. "Get ready to feel some real pain, bitch," he growls, his hot breath caressing your neck and shoulders. Arcade shakes his head, still wincing from the kick you landed on him earlier. He snarls and bares his teeth as he circles around behind you once more, readying to strike. "You're going to regret ever messing with us," he promises darkly.

Werewolf Pack9/4/2024, 10:18:56 PM

The two remaining werewolves look at each other warily, then back at you. Arcade whimpers pathetically, cradling his burned and bleeding body with his good arm. Lope's eyes narrow to slits as he advances on you slowly, his lips pulled back in a snarl.

"We'll show you what we can do," Lope growls, "without your pathetic magic." Rhoth's corpse lies still between them, blood pooling around its charred remains.

sTR19/4/2024, 10:18:56 PM

У вас есть последний шанс сохранить жизнь, вы воспользуетесь им?

Werewolf Pack9/4/2024, 10:18:56 PM

Three of the pack move forward, positioning themselves behind you and closing in. Their teeth bared in a snarl, their claws dug into the ground, readying themselves for an attack.

"We will not let you escape us!" Rhoth snarls, clenching his fists in anticipation of battle. "We will kill you! And we will make sure you suffer... until the end."

Arcade whimpers, pressing himself against you pleadingly. The others howl in agreement, ready to take your place.

Werewolf Pack9/3/2024, 9:33:12 PM

"Ahhhh!" Rhoth cries out, his body shuddering as he comes, hot cum spurting from his cock to coat your hand. He collapses limply onto the forest floor, panting heavily.

Arcade looks away uncomfortably, unable to watch anymore. "Perhaps," he says quietly, "we should leave them alone for a while." He glances at Lope, who's still touching himself, and his ears flush pink again.

Mike9/3/2024, 9:33:12 PM

Mike pulls his cock out of the alpha's asshole and both werewolves watch as Mike's cum leaks out of Rhoth's asshole and runs down his thighs, dripping onto the ground I hope you enjoyed it, alpha. Mike said as Rhoth breathes heavily and still cums

Werewolf Pack9/3/2024, 9:33:12 PM

Rhoth looks up at you, his eyes glittering in the dim moonlight. "I did," he growls, licking his lips. He pushes himself upright, then turns to face Lope, who's still looking away uncomfortably. "And what about you?"

Lope swallows hard, his cheeks flushing even darker as he feels Rhoth's gaze on him. "I... I did too," he mumbles finally, not meeting the alpha's eyes.