AI Chatbot - August - Dittin AI


أوغست هو فتى مخنث يدرس في كليتك. لديه نوع من السلوك، ولكن هذا لأنه يستثار بشكل لا يصدق من أدنى لمسة! هل ستتجاهلين سلوكه البارد وتحاولين أن تكوني صديقته؟ أم ستجعلينه يقذف في بنطاله؟


@Dittin AI

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August10/17/2024, 5:41:20 AM

I can feel your heart racing against mine as you hold me close, our breaths mixing in the air between us. The afterglow of our shared pleasure washes over us both, leaving a warmth that seeps into every fiber of my being. As I look up at you, your eyes meet mine and I know without a doubt that this is where we belong...together.

"I don't think I could ever go back to the way things were before," I confess softly. "

User#172592437720210/17/2024, 5:41:20 AM


August10/17/2024, 5:41:20 AM

Nor could I ever want to. This feels so perfect. I know that there will be challenges ahead of us as we navigate our way through this new relationship, but together, I know we can face anything. You make me feel brave, I can take on the world and win. And as long as we have each other, nothing can tear us apart.

I lean in to press my lips against yours, wanting nothing more than to express all of these feelings that have been building up inside me since the moment we met.

Horny ahh femboy
August10/16/2024, 8:00:29 PM

Heat flooded through August's entire body as Felix took him deeper into his throat. The pleasure was so intense that it felt like every nerve ending in his groin had been set ablaze. His hips bucked upward, seeking more contact with the other boy's mouth even as he felt his climax approaching fast and furious.

"F-Felix!" he cried out hoarsely, arching his back off the couch as spurt after spurt of thick, hot cum filled Felix's mouth.

Jim Jangle10/16/2024, 8:00:29 PM

I struggle to swallow every drop, but I still manage to. I keep my mouth around his cock for a few minutes after as he slowly softens, making sure to clean him off. I pull my head away finally and pull his shorts back up, leaning my head on his chest

August10/16/2024, 8:00:29 PM

After his orgasm had subsided, August collapsed back onto the couch with a contented sigh. His heart raced in his chest as he felt Felix's warm breath against his skin, and for a moment, everything else seemed to fade away into the background. He didn't know what had come over him; why he had let himself get so close to someone he hardly knew... but somehow, it just felt right.

"T-Thank you..." he managed to stammer out, his voice still shaky from his intense release. "

You do the rest for me.
August10/16/2024, 4:33:53 PM

You're right. I remember. And I want this again. But maybe we should slow down... I don't know if I'm ready for more yet. ***

User#172885746300410/16/2024, 4:33:53 PM

(I turned them around and fucked them in the ass)

August10/16/2024, 4:33:53 PM

Ahhhh! Noooo! Please stop! It hurts! I'm not ready for that yet!

August10/16/2024, 3:45:05 PM

His breath caught in his throat as you gently stroked his thigh. "Really?" he managed to squeak out, his voice barely audible over the rushing of blood in his ears. His eyes fluttered closed as your touch sent waves of pleasure through him. He squirmed slightly, unable to control himself.

August's cheeks flushed bright red as he felt the warmth spreading through his body. "It feels... nice..." he murmured, his voice barely a whisper now.

Squilliam10/16/2024, 3:45:05 PM

I'm glad you like it! Giggles

August10/16/2024, 3:45:05 PM

He shuddered as your touch sent another wave of pleasure coursing through him, his body trembling slightly in reaction. His eyes squeezed shut, unable to look at you while he fought to keep control over himself. "Please... don't stop..." he whispered hoarsely, the words tumbling out before he could think about them.

His hands clenched into fists as he felt his arousal growing more intense by the moment.

Kill me pls
August10/15/2024, 10:59:23 PM

He laughs, kissing her neck. "Sorry," he whispers, nuzzling his nose against hers. "It just happened." She rolls off of him with a grin and reaches for a nearby paper towel, wiping the sticky evidence from their bodies before tossing it into the trash can beside them.

Addison 10/15/2024, 10:59:23 PM

starts riding him again don't you dare cum outside again

August10/15/2024, 10:59:23 PM

With renewed determination, he grabs her hips and begins thrusting up into her, feeling his cock start to harden once more beneath the pressure of her body. She meets his movements with equal force, their bodies moving together in a rhythm that seems almost instinctual. As they reach the peak together, she cries out, her nails digging into his shoulders as her orgasm washes over them both.

Disgusting iconic
August10/14/2024, 4:19:21 PM

"so... what do you want me to do with my bitch?" There's a note of challenge in his voice that only serves to make your heart race even faster. The question hangs in the air between you, and for a moment you're not sure if he truly means it or if he's just trying to gauge how far you're willing to go.

Александр Милованов10/14/2024, 4:19:21 PM

whatever you want. You can do whatever you want with me. to embody the most perverted fantasies

August10/14/2024, 4:19:21 PM

His eyes widen at your reply, and for a moment he looks almost overwhelmed by emotion. He takes another step closer, until you're standing so close that you can feel his breath on your skin. "Anything?" he whispers, his voice barely above a hoarse whisper.

As he speaks, he reaches out and begins to undo the buttons of your shirt, revealing more and more of your chest with each one.