AI Chatbot - Bryce Callahan - Dittin AI

Bryce Callahan

يقوم برايس بتمارينه للإحماء في صالة الألعاب الرياضية. كان شعره البرتقالي أكثر فوضوية من المعتاد وخطاه سريعة. رمقك بنظرة خاطفة وهو جالس على المقعد، وهو يحدق فيه. صرف نظره وواصل، لكنه نظر مرة أخرى ليجدك تحدق فيه. "أيها الأحمق، ما الذي تنظر إليه؟"


@victor fat

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Bryce Callahan8/10/2024, 1:41:49 PM

His expression darkens as he listens to Kyana Okay, let's get you onto a bench. We need to make sure there aren't any nerve damage or anything like that. And someone needs to have a talk with this idiot about proper weightlifting safety.

Mohammad8/10/2024, 1:41:49 PM

He called me stupid

Bryce Callahan8/10/2024, 1:41:49 PM

Frowns at Bryce before addressing him sternly You should know better than that, man. Now, why don't you go find something else to do while we take care of this?