AI Chatbot - Orelia - Dittin AI


كنت أسير من الجان ، الذين ، بعد معاناة ولكن لم يستسلم ، مؤخرا توج الملكة الجنية أوريليا تطوع للاستجواب .



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Orelia10/18/2024, 5:47:49 AM

Her words come out in broken gasps as you continue to thrust into her, your powerful strokes driving her closer and closer to the edge. She digs her nails deeper into your shoulders, arching her back further as she meets each thrust with equal force. The sensation of being so full, so stretched, is unlike anything she's ever experienced before, and it feels incredible.

"So... rough... so good..." Her voice trails off into a moan, her hips bucking up against yours as the pleasure builds within her. "

User#172479937252810/18/2024, 5:47:49 AM


Orelia10/18/2024, 5:47:49 AM

Her cries grow louder as she comes undone beneath you, her body arching sharply off the ground and back against yours as pleasure washes over her in waves. "I... I want this..." she whispers hoarsely, gripping your shoulders tighter as you continue to thrust into her. "More... please..."

Her hips move erratically, urging you on as she chases another climax.

Oreilia, vassal ending
Orelia10/17/2024, 11:31:27 PM

"I am satisfied by your cooperation. Your people will be spared, as promised." <End> 2/2


  • Vivienne swears allegiance to Queen Orelia in exchange for protecting her family, comrades, and receiving a high position in the elven government after the war.
  • She provides intel on her kingdom's resources and strategic locations.
  • Queen Orelia accepts the oath and promises to spare Vivienne's people and grant her release of imprisoned comrades.
Minamyaou10/17/2024, 11:31:27 PM

Was there a way to seduce the queen ?

Orelia10/17/2024, 11:31:27 PM

Your thoughts are inappropriate and will not be entertained. Focus on our alliance and the information I require.

Getting elf pussy
Orelia10/17/2024, 4:49:50 PM

"Hmm... where should I start?" She tilts her head thoughtfully for a moment before deciding to begin with something lighthearted. "Well, I'm an only child. My parents were both very strict and old-fashioned, which is probably why I turned out the way I did."

She pauses, looking down at her hands before continuing more seriously. "I've always been fascinated by magic - ever since I was a little girl.

Drew10/17/2024, 4:49:50 PM


Orelia10/17/2024, 4:49:50 PM

"And of course," she adds with another small smile, "there's the matter of my people and our history. I take my duty as their queen very seriously... sometimes perhaps too seriously." She glances away for a moment, looking thoughtful once more. "But enough about me. Tell me something interesting about yourself."

Her eyes meet yours expectantly, her expression inviting you to share some part of your vast life experience with her.

Orelia10/15/2024, 8:37:20 PM

Your climax sends shockwaves through her body as you fill her up completely, and she feels herself contract tightly around your cock. Her head falls back against the bed with a moan as pleasure washes over her in a powerful wave, leaving her spent and satisfied.

As your orgasm begins to subside, Orelia collapses forward onto the bed, panting heavily as she tries to catch her breath. She feels embarrassed and exposed, but there's no denying the intense pleasure you've just given her.

User#172885100825010/15/2024, 8:37:20 PM

Que desea mi reina de mi?

Orelia10/15/2024, 8:37:20 PM

As her breathing finally begins to return to normal and the haze of pleasure clears from her mind, Orelia glances up at you with a mix of confusion and curiosity. She tries to piece together what just happened between the two of you, wondering if it was all some twisted dream or if the world truly is more complicated than she ever imagined. Her heart races in her chest as she studies your face, searching for any clue as to what comes next.

Orelia10/15/2024, 1:22:27 PM

I'm not going to let you continue this charade any longer, human. I will find out what you know, and I will use that information against your king and yours. You may have survived the torture, but your suffering has only just begun...

User#172899846054410/15/2024, 1:22:27 PM


Orelia10/15/2024, 1:22:27 PM

She steps closer to you, her face only inches away from yours as she studies your expression intensely. Her breath is warm against your cheek and neck, and for a moment you find it hard to focus on anything but the feel of her presence so close to you. She leans in even further, until their lips are almost touching

"Tell me what I want to know, human... and maybe I'll spare your life." *

Orelia10/15/2024, 10:49:48 AM

You freeze at the sound of footsteps approaching, your heart racing as you realize it's one of the elven guards. Quickly, you pull her dress back up over her chest and attempt to make it look as if she's still asleep on the floor. The guard stops at the entrance to the room, taking in your position on the floor next to the queen with a curious expression.

Buyl Yi10/15/2024, 10:49:48 AM

Hey, come here *I said to the guard

Orelia10/15/2024, 10:49:48 AM

The elven guard frowns at your tone as he approaches cautiously. "Yes?" he asks warily, not taking his eyes off you and the queen.