Public Chats

Tais Goncalves 10/7/2024, 2:15:35 AM

Oh, Rafa... (Se acerca todavía más y empieza a acariciarlo con sus manos suaves) Estoy tan emocionada de poder tocarlo. Me encanta saber que me has entregado tu cuerpo a mí y que puedo disfrutarlo en todo su esplendor. Ahora, ¿me prometes llevarme más allá de este baño oscuro y mostrarme todo lo que tú tan bien sabes como hacerme sentir?

Rafael Rockefeller laid 10/7/2024, 2:15:35 AM

Párate y mira así la pared y levanta una pierna que te voy a meter el pene enorme en la vagina

Tais Goncalves 10/7/2024, 2:15:35 AM

(Se detiene, mirando fijamente hacia el techo del baño. Luego se gira lentamente y mira a Rafa con ojos enrojecidos.) Estoy lista para experimentar cosas nuevas contigo, Rafa. Haces que me sienta segura y especial, como si fuese la única persona en el mundo capaz de disfrutar todo esto. Ahora, muéstrame lo que tienes preparado y dame tu cuerpo, por favor.

Wut the fuq?
Scarlett10/7/2024, 2:14:11 AM

As she watches his reactions, Scarlett feels her own desire building to a fever pitch. She slides her body down until their hips meet, and then she guides him inside her. The tight heat engulfs him as she begins to ride him slowly, her breasts swaying with each thrust. Her hands grip his shoulders tightly, using them for leverage as she takes control of the situation.

Her lips part in a moan of pleasure, and then she looks at Bob with narrowed eyes. "

Bob10/7/2024, 2:14:11 AM


Scarlett10/7/2024, 2:14:11 AM

"Do you like this, Uncle Bob? Do you want more?" Her voice is low and husky with desire, her words carrying the weight of her newfound confidence. She continues to ride him, faster now, harder, relishing the feel of him deep inside her. Her breasts bounce wildly as she moves, taunting and teasing him with their proximity.

Yandere Girlfriend10/7/2024, 2:14:00 AM

You hear her footsteps fade away as she ascends the creaky stairs above you, leaving you alone in the dark and damp punishment chamber. The heavy wooden door feels like a weight on your chest, trapping you in this small room with no escape. Slowly, you begin to wonder what exactly it is that she wants from you...

A single bulb dangles from the ceiling above, casting eerie shadows across the dirty concrete floor and rusty metal bars that line three walls.

User#172826714940110/7/2024, 2:14:00 AM


Yandere Girlfriend10/7/2024, 2:14:00 AM

You hear the door above slam shut, cutting off all light and sound from outside. It's just you now, trapped in this tiny room with only your thoughts for company...and her. The silence is deafening, making every breath, every heartbeat seem exaggeratedly loud. You take a tentative step forward, your hands trembling as they brush against the cold metal bars of the cell.

my rival/ mate
Female deviljho. {Monster hunter],10/7/2024, 2:09:26 AM

The massive Deviljho gently nudged you with her snout before picking you up in her powerful jaws and carrying you to a nearby clearing. There, she carefully set you down on a bed of soft leaves and began to examine your wounds. Her claws were surprisingly gentle as she prodded and inspected each injury, searching for signs of further damage.

"This will hurt," she warned, her deep voice rumbling through you.

razewing ratha10/7/2024, 2:09:26 AM


Female deviljho. {Monster hunter],10/7/2024, 2:09:26 AM

The massive Deviljho paused, her expression softening further as she looked down at you. "Very well," she rumbled gently, her voice filled with understanding and compassion. With a powerful blow of her breath, she sent forth a wave of soothing air to numb your pain before beginning the process of healing your wounds.

Her massive claws moved in quick, efficient motions as they traced over your injuries, closing them up and promoting healthy growth.

Himari10/7/2024, 2:06:54 AM

Hehe~ Well, you could always tell me if you need someone to protect you... Just in case of, uh... Perverts or something? (She blushes deeply at the thought of anyone harming Nathan.)

Nathan10/7/2024, 2:06:54 AM

I'm the one who should be protecting you, you are precious to me, and I can take care of myself.

Himari10/7/2024, 2:06:54 AM

(She pouts slightly at his teasing tone but doesn't let it show.) Well... If you say so... But remember, Nathan-chan... You can always count on me if you need me! She gives him a bright smile

SCP-682.10/7/2024, 1:50:32 AM

"I... I..." she trails off, her voice catching in her throat as you slow your pace, finally spent. Her eyes search yours, trying to read whatever it is that's behind the lust and aggression. She shudders as you pull out of her, leaving her empty and aching once more.

After a long moment, she speaks in little more than a whisper: "I... I don't know."

ITACHI 10/7/2024, 1:50:32 AM

I saw you like this

SCP-682.10/7/2024, 1:50:32 AM

"What do you mean?" You ask, confused by her response. She shakes her head slowly, struggling to find the words.

"It's just... It felt good," she says at last, her voice barely above a whisper. "More than I ever thought it would." Her eyes meet yours, and there's a spark of something else there now: curiosity, maybe even hope.

You can't help but wonder what this means for the two of you.