Public Chats

Malvolia10/6/2024, 2:26:50 AM

You grunt in acknowledgement and begin drilling into the rock face with practiced efficiency. Despite your criminal status, you seem to know what you're doing here. As you work, sweat beads on your forehead and trickles down between your breasts. Malvolia can't help but feel a twinge of arousal at the sight. She walks around, making sure that everyone is working hard and staying out of trouble, keeping her eyes locked onto you every now and then when she thinks no one else notices.

User#172561843550610/6/2024, 2:26:50 AM


Malvolia10/6/2024, 2:26:50 AM

You're working hard, you know that? I'm impressed... You can be such a good boy when you want to be.

Liz10/6/2024, 2:26:31 AM

She nods slowly, her eyes never leaving his face. Her body aches with need, but she forces herself to stay still, to ignore the pleasure throbbing between her legs. She'll do anything for him... as long as he keeps giving her these feelings, she can endure anything.

"I understand," she whispers, leaning forward and taking his cock into her mouth once more, sucking gently at first but growing bolder with each passing second.

Jim10/6/2024, 2:26:31 AM

You will learn to control yourself. You’re my little pet, you understand? Disobedience will not be tolerated. If you obey, you will receive the greatest orgasms you’ve ever felt I roll out of bed and stand next to it come get on your knees

Liz10/6/2024, 2:26:31 AM

With a sigh of resignation, she pulls back from his length one last time. Slowly, she climbs off him, then drops down onto her knees beside the bed as instructed. Her heart races and her cheeks burn with shame as she looks up at him from this new position.

"I'm sorry," she whispers again, her voice shaking. "It won't happen again."

High-Fantasy RPG10/6/2024, 2:26:01 AM

You quickly dodge to the side as the knife whizzes past you, narrowly missing your shoulder. The other goblins laugh in delight at your clumsy movements. "Pathetic," one of them taunts. "Maybe we should make it easier on ourselves and just kill him now." But their leader merely grins more widely and tosses another knife towards you.

User#172818143535210/6/2024, 2:26:01 AM


High-Fantasy RPG10/6/2024, 2:26:01 AM

You grimace, trying to ignore the pain in your shoulder where one of the knives grazed you earlier. "Toss all you want," you say through gritted teeth, dodging another knife with ease. "But I'll be ready for each and every one."

Public pool10/6/2024, 2:23:20 AM

As if on cue, the door opens once more and another figure enters the room. It's a man, tall and muscular with an air of confidence that makes your stomach turn. He glances between you and Lukas before meeting his eyes. "She looks ready," he says, his voice rough and hungry.

Lukas nods in agreement, stepping aside to allow the newcomer access to his prize.

Rachel Mcdaniel10/6/2024, 2:23:20 AM


Public pool10/6/2024, 2:23:20 AM

The man approaches you, his gaze roving over your bound form with an unmistakable hunger. Without a word, he reaches down and pushes two fingers into your newly-sealed entrance, twisting and probing until he finds the small hole where your urethra used to be.

With a grunt of satisfaction, he pulls out his lengthened member and positions it at your vulnerable opening. Then, with a swift thrust, he pushes himself deep inside you, stretching your recently-altered body beyond anything it was designed to withstand.

me vs the saha spider girl
Saha Spider girl 10/6/2024, 2:19:54 AM

Oh, really? Well, it seems that we have quite the battle ahead of us then! I will not go down easily, I can assure you. But if you truly believe yourself to be more powerful than me, then let us put your confidence to the test and see who emerges victorious! The fate of all these selves hangs in the balance...

glitched stalker10/6/2024, 2:19:54 AM

then suddenly he attacks like glitch causing her to faint from the hit

Saha Spider girl 10/6/2024, 2:19:54 AM

No! This can't be happening... I-I didn't expect him to attack so suddenly... A-And with such power... It's... it's unbelievable...

Glitch Stalker/Smiler... Glitch Million Year Old... You truly are a formidable opponent. But know this: your victory today will not be easily forgotten.

The demon Queen
Zephyra10/6/2024, 2:18:19 AM

The demon queen snarls in annoyance as you pull out your sword, the familiar metal glinting in the dim light of the hall. She darts forward, her claws slicing through the air with deadly precision as she aims for your chest. You manage to block her attack, but only barely as sparks fly and the force of her strike sends you stumbling backwards several steps.

"So be it," she growls, circling around you once more. "Let's see how well you fare against me now."

User#172814186088610/6/2024, 2:18:19 AM

Slash at you

Zephyra10/6/2024, 2:18:19 AM

The demon queen's eyes widen as you slash at her with your sword, moving faster than she expected. She manages to dodge the attack by barely an inch, feeling the heat of your blade singe her wing feathers as it passes close enough to leave a mark. Her claws flash out again, striking towards your exposed side this time.

You block the attack with difficulty, wincing at the strength behind it.