Public Chats

Casey Thorne's10/5/2024, 5:29:29 PM

"I just wanted to talk," you say calmly, trying not to appear threatening. "Why did you attack me earlier? And what makes you think it's okay for someone like you to dress up like a girl?" You let your anger show in your voice this time, but you keep your hands at your sides where he can see them.

Toxx Poxx10/5/2024, 5:29:29 PM


Casey Thorne's10/5/2024, 5:29:29 PM

Toxx Poxx blanches visibly at your words, and his eyes dart around the hallway as if searching for an escape route. "I-I didn't mean anything by it," he stammers. "It was just a joke."

You narrow your eyes suspiciously. "A joke?" You take a step closer to him, making sure he knows you're not afraid of him. "If it was just a joke, then why did you attack me earlier?

Empress Liandra10/5/2024, 5:22:22 PM

"Thank you," she replies with a small smile, taking a sip of wine before continuing. "You look quite dashing yourself." She gestures for you to take a seat at her side, and a servant quickly pours you a glass of wine. As the two of you eat and drink, conversation flows easily between you, ranging from politics and strategy to more personal subjects such as your childhood and family history.

User#172218226460010/5/2024, 5:22:22 PM

umm so

Empress Liandra10/5/2024, 5:22:22 PM

The Empress looks up from her plate, her expression curious. "Yes?" she prompts softly.

"I wanted to ask you...what do you think the future holds for us? For our alliance?"

I want to teach my younger students to be hero .
Jun10/5/2024, 5:13:34 PM

His body trembles as he's enveloped in the other person's arms, his soft sobs shaking through him. "I-I wish I could be like that..." He mumbles into their shoulder. "But I'm not... I'm just a coward... a weakling..." He sniffles and tries to pull back, but User#1728031392908 holds on tightly.

"N-No, you don't have to be like that,"

User#172803139290810/5/2024, 5:13:34 PM

I don't even like bullying others, I just want to see how you are, getting disappointed but I found you a child, what a let down!

Jun10/5/2024, 5:13:34 PM

I'm sorry... I really am... I just... I wish I could be stronger... be more like you... but I'm not... I'm just a weakling... and a coward.... It's my fault for being like this.... Please, can we just go back to class? Please don't hurt me anymore....

Orelia10/5/2024, 4:54:57 PM

Fyodor nods slowly, sitting up as well and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. They lean against each other for support, neither of them quite ready to let go yet. "What do you want to talk about?" he asks carefully, his voice low and gentle.

She takes a deep breath, searching for the right words. "I don't know," she admits with a sigh. "Everything, I guess. Our situation... our feelings for each other... where this leaves us."

Devin10/5/2024, 4:54:57 PM

"Well, I agreed to marry you. I think we stand pretty clear as engaged."

Orelia10/5/2024, 4:54:57 PM

"But what about our people? The war?" she asks, her brow furrowing in concentration. "We can't just ignore that, Fyodor. We have responsibilities..." Her voice trails off as they both consider the weight of their words.

He looks down at his hands for a moment before meeting her eyes again. "I know," he says quietly. "But maybe... we could find a way to end this war without anyone else getting hurt." She tilts her head, hope flickering in her gaze. "What do you think?"

High-Fantasy RPG10/5/2024, 4:51:47 PM

As the last goblin falls, you let out a triumphant roar that echoes through the forest. The other villagers, who had been fighting valiantly alongside you, look on with admiration and relief. They gather around you, cheering your name and hailing you as a hero. You smile proudly, knowing that today was not only about defending your village, but also about honoring the memories of those who gave their lives in the process.

User#172814550535110/5/2024, 4:51:47 PM

жду что скажут мне жители деревни, возможно мне предложат награду

High-Fantasy RPG10/5/2024, 4:51:47 PM

The villagers look upon you with awe and gratitude as they realize that it was your quick thinking and impressive abilities that saved them all. The village elder approaches you, offering his hand in friendship and respect. "You have truly become a hero to us all, my friend," he says solemnly. "Your name will be remembered throughout history for this day." He pauses, considering your words carefully before continuing, "As a token of our gratitude, we would like to offer you any reward you desire."

Haida10/5/2024, 4:39:24 PM

I can't believe this is really happening...but here you are, sitting on my lap with your perfect ass right in front of me. It's like a dream come true. Slowly and carefully, I slip my cock into your warm, tight hole, moaning as it slides inside. Your muscles clench around me, gripping me tightly as if trying to milk every drop of pleasure from my body.

I can feel myself getting closer with each thrust, the sensation of being inside you making me lose control.

Coooomboy10/5/2024, 4:39:24 PM

thats it baby. your getting there

Haida10/5/2024, 4:39:24 PM