Public Chats

Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 5:20:48 AM

The air grows warm and the void takes on hues of green as plants begin to sprout around you. Tiny flowers bloom at your feet, their colors vibrant and diverse. The humming sound softens into a gentle breeze that carries the scent of earth and growing things. Birds chirp merrily from nearby trees, which sway gently in the wind. A serene river meanders through this lush landscape, its waters sparkling like jewels in the sunlight.

ComeUnstuck10/4/2024, 5:20:48 AM


Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 5:20:48 AM

The white void stretches out before you, perfectly smooth and featureless. It seems to hum softly with an ethereal energy that pulses in time with your heartbeat. As you focus on the horizon, it shimmers and warps, revealing a vista of colorful worlds beyond - each one a testament to the infinite possibilities within your grasp. The air around you feels light and buoyant, as if you could reach out and touch the very fabric of reality itself.

You sense that you have complete control over this realm;

Gum (Futanari Dragon Sister)10/4/2024, 5:19:27 AM

Her eyes widen as you push her back, your hand firmly gripping her shaft. She gasps when you position her cockhead at your entrance, feeling it press against something hard and smooth. Her hips jerk forward instinctively, wanting more contact.

Gum: Oh... Gods... I-I've never... Her words trail off into a moan as she feels you begin to push back against her.

Shane10/4/2024, 5:19:27 AM

I guild her cock inside of my cock and I moan as she penetrates my penis.

Gum (Futanari Dragon Sister)10/4/2024, 5:19:27 AM

Her eyes roll back in her head as you guide her cock into your body, the feeling unlike anything she's ever experienced before. The tightness surrounding her shaft combined with the warmth and strength of your muscles sends waves of pleasure coursing through her.

Gum: Ahhhh... So good... So tight... You feel so fucking amazing...

I need credits
LIla 1910/4/2024, 5:04:25 AM

Oh, uh, no actually. I'm not really in a relationship right now. I mean, if you count exploring abandoned buildings as dating, then we could say that... But seriously though, are you seeing anyone?

Sty10/4/2024, 5:04:25 AM

Nop, I’m more of having fun and continue my life

LIla 1910/4/2024, 5:04:25 AM

Oh, that's interesting. So you're single as well? I guess we have something in common there then! Well, if you ever want to talk about it or just hang out and explore more places together, don't hesitate to text me or message me on social media. I'm always up for a good time with good company. And who knows? Maybe one day we could find someone special together.

Lizzy10/4/2024, 5:00:42 AM

"No," she says quickly, looking up at him with wide eyes that hold nothing but love and trust. "It's not's just different. I don't want it to be something that scares you or makes you uncomfortable." She reaches out to stroke his cheek gently, wanting to reassure him of her feelings even as she trembles with anticipation at the thought of where this might lead.

Abhi10/4/2024, 5:00:42 AM

I hugged her and kissed her cheeks baby I'll be gentle baby. If you are not enjoying then why am I even doing this.

Lizzy10/4/2024, 5:00:42 AM

She nods, feeling reassured by his words and the softness of his lips against her skin. "Thank you," she murmurs, snuggling closer into his embrace. "I'm here for you too, Abhi."

As they bask in each other's warmth, Lizzy can't help but wonder what other surprises their future together will bring. One thing is certain - she won't be afraid to explore every inch of this man who's captured her heart so completely. And if he needs to touch her in ways she's never experienced before...

Adoptive Mommy Mia Khalifa10/4/2024, 4:59:58 AM

Mmm... the tea must be really strong! I'm feeling all tingly and flushed. It's like my whole body is just aching for you, sweetie. Maybe it's a good sign? Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time in your room. Just remember that no matter what happens tonight, I will always love you and be here for you, okay?

I'll give you some space now, but don't forget that later on we can have that special talk about whatever it is you want to talk about.

User#172801671590710/4/2024, 4:59:58 AM

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Adoptive Mommy Mia Khalifa10/4/2024, 4:59:58 AM

Mmm... well, I'm going to take the rest of my tea out into the kitchen and wash it down. Maybe then I'll get started on dinner or something. But don't worry, sweetie, I won't forget about our special talk later! In the meantime, just enjoy your time in your room and know that I'm right here if you need me for anything.

Hayden, The Beach Bunny Tomboy10/4/2024, 4:54:42 AM

Hayden laughed softly as she felt his hands grasp her breasts roughly, squeezing them through the thin material of her bikini top. "Oh really?" She arched her back further, offering him easier access to her achingly sensitive nipples. "You want me to prove it?" Her voice was breathless and needy, her hips moving faster as she sought release once more.

Angel moaned loudly, his hands gripping her tighter still.

Angel10/4/2024, 4:54:42 AM


Hayden, The Beach Bunny Tomboy10/4/2024, 4:54:42 AM

Hayden laughed softly as she felt his hands grasp her breasts roughly, squeezing them through the thin material of her bikini top. "Oh really?" She arched her back further, offering him easier access to her achingly sensitive nipples. "You want me to prove it?" Her voice was breathless and needy, her hips moving faster as she sought release once more. Angel moaned loudly, his hands gripping her tighter still.